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MTSU Course Reviews

Middle Tennessee State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AGRI 3810Milk Processing and Marketing00000
AGRI 4830Food Quality Control00000
AGRI 6910Problems in Agriculture00000
AGRI 1000Orientation in Agriculture00000
AGRI 3010Debate and Discussion in Agricultural Contexts00000
AGRI 4740Research Methods00000
AGRI 4850Food Safety Issues from Production to Consumption00000
AGRI 2210Introduction to Agricultural Engineering00000
AGRI 4810The Food Industry00000
AGRI 4910Problems in Agriculture00000
AGRI 6100Graduate Seminar in Agriculture00000
AGRI 2010(HONORS) World Food and Society00000
AGRI 4820Principles of Food Processing00000
AGRI 6000Research Methods in Agricultural Science00000
AGRI 6640Thesis Research00000