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MTU Course Reviews

Michigan Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EE 4219Intro to Elec Mach & Drives42541
EET 4373Adv Programmable Controllers45331
MA 3203Introduction to Cryptography42541
FW 3200Biometrics and Data Analysis13111
GE 3040Fundamentals of Geophysics42451
EE 4295Intro Propulsion Sys for HEV44331
EE 4227Power Electronics41441
CEE 5202Finite Element Analysis00000
BL 3780Medical Parasitology Lab00000
CEE 5521Bioremediation Engineering00000
CH 1153University Chem Recitation I00000
CEE 4518Aquatic Biogeochemistry00000
BL 2700Principle of Computational Bio00000
CEE 5501Environmental Process Engg00000
ART 4800Independent Study: Art00000
CEE 5890Adv Rock Eng for Civil Engs00000
BL 4380Cardiopulmonary Physiology00000
AR 2001Leadership and Ethics00000
CH 3020Laboratory Teaching Internship00000
BE 2400Cellular and Molecular Biology00000
BL 4730Immunohematology Techniques00000
CH 4240Advanced Mass Spectrometry00000
CH 4710Biomolecular Chemistry I00000
BE 4000Independent Study00000
BL 5120Environmental Remediation00000
BL 5370Special Topics in Microbiology00000
CEE 4503Water Trt. Prin. & Design00000
BL 2015Introduction to Neuroscience00000
CEE 4905Engineering Design Project00000
ART 3140Creative Ceramics00000
CEE 5261Bridge Design and Construction00000
BL 3210General Microbiology00000
CEE 5509Transport/Transform of Org Pol00000
AF 4001National Security Affairs I00000
CEE 5740Continuous-System Modeling00000
BL 4038Epigenetics00000
CEE 5997Nat Resour Eng Field Service00000
BA 5200Info Sys Mgmt' and Data Analys00000
CH 2212Quantitative Analysis00000
BL 4610SML Medical Practicum I00000
CH 3541Biophysical Chemistry Lab00000
ACC 5990Topics in CPA Certification00000
CH 4515Atmospheric Chemistry00000
BL 4995Research in Biochemistry00000
CH 4800Chemistry & Biology of Brewing00000
AR 2011Intermediate Leadership Lab I00000
BL 5340Special Topics in Biology00000
BE 4330Biomimetic Materials00000
AF 0130Air Force Elite Forces Workout00000
BL 5451Advanced Ecology00000
AR 3012Advanced Leadership Lab II00000
BE 5335Smart Polymers00000
BL 5990Master's Research in Bio Sci00000
BMB 6030Modern BMB Laboratory00000
BE 5800Biomaterials Interfaces00000
BUS 4991Business Develop Experience I00000
CEE 1003Intro to Computer Aided Draft00000
CEE 4406Airport Planning and Design00000
BL 2001Valuing the Great Lakes00000
CEE 4506Sustainable Engineering00000
ART 2100Drawing II00000
CEE 4665Stream Restoration00000
BL 2170Zoology00000
CEE 4993Engrg with Developing Comm00000
AF 3001Effective Communication I00000
CEE 5233Adv Structural Timber Design00000
BL 3012Essential Cell Biology00000
CEE 5404Transportation Planning00000
ART 4440Advanced Ceramics00000
CEE 5504Surface Water Quality Modeling00000
BL 3310Environmental Microbiology00000
CEE 5518Aquatic Biogeochemistry00000
ACC 5100Advanced Audit & Fraud Exam00000
CEE 5665Stream Restoration00000
BL 4001Honors Research in Biology00000
CEE 5870Multiphysics of Porous Mat'ls00000
ATM 5516Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry00000
CEE 5991Environmental Engg Grad Sem 100000
BL 4120Environmental Remediation00000
CH 1000Introductory Chemistry00000
AR 1001Intro to Army & Crit. Thinking00000
CH 1163University Chem Recitation II00000
BL 4465Biological Oceanography00000
CH 2430Mechanistic Organic Chem00000
BA 5710Business & Corporate Strategy00000
CH 3511Physical Chemistry Lab I00000
BL 4631Cytotechnology Practicum II00000
CH 4140Pharmaceutical Analysis00000
ACC 3600Foundations of Taxation00000
CH 4320Inorganic Chemistry II00000
BL 4820Biochem Techniques I00000
CH 4560Computational Chemistry00000
BE 3550Fluid Mechanics00000
AR 4004Company Grade Leadership00000
BL 0600Practicum and Career Prep00000
CEE 3490Intro to Rail Transportation00000
CEE 3502Env Monit & Measurement Analy00000
BL 1100General Biology I00000
CEE 3810Soil Mechanics for Engineers00000
CEE 4213Structural Concrete Design00000