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MTU Course Reviews

Michigan Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CH 4212Instrumental Analysis00000
CH 5800Biomolecular Modeling00000
CH 5535Physical Chemistry III00000
CH 5515Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CH 5241Advanced Mass Spectrometry Lab00000
CH 5110Pharm Chem: Mech Drug Action00000
CH 4730Confocal Microscopy00000
CH 4620Polymer Chemistry00000
CH 4535Physical Chemistry III00000
CH 4515Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CH 4320Inorganic Chemistry II00000
CH 6590Quantum Chemistry00000
CH 4110Pharm Chem: Mech Drug Action00000
CH 3520Ph Chem II: Molecular Struct00000
CH 3020Laboratory Teaching Internship00000
CH 2440Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CH 2411Organic Chemistry Lab I00000
CH 1163University Chem Recitation II00000
CH 1160University Chemistry II00000
CH 1130Pdc100000
CH 6990Chemistry Doctoral Research00000
CH 4590Quantum Chemistry00000
CH 5990Chemistry Master Research00000
CH 5820Capillary Electrophoresis00000
CH 5560Computational Chemistry00000
CH 5516Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry00000
CH 5410Adv Org Chem: Reaction Mechan.00000
CH 5240Advanced Mass Spectrometry00000
CH 5120Pharm Chemistry: Drug Design00000
CH 4810Design/Operation of HS ChemLab00000
CH 4720Biomolecular Chemistry II00000
CH 6490Bioorganic Chemistry00000
CH 4430Intermediate Organic Chemistry00000
CH 4310Inorganic Chemistry I00000
CH 4222Bioanalytical Chemistry00000
CH 4120Pharm Chemistry: Drug Design00000
CH 3511Physical Chemistry Lab I00000
CH 3130Pdc 300000
CH 2430Mechanistic Organic Chem00000
CH 2212Quantitative Analysis00000
CH 1150University Chemistry I00000
CH 4412Spectroscopy of Organic Chem00000
CH 6690Analysis of Polymer Advances00000
CH 5900Chemistry Graduate Seminar00000
CH 5665Surface and Interface Science00000
CH 5517Soil Biogeochemistry00000
CH 5412Spectroscopy of Organic Chem00000
CH 5130Prof Dev: Chemical Safety00000
CH 4990Undergrad Research in Chem00000
CH 4721Res Methods in Biomol Chem00000
CH 4610Intro to Polymer Science00000
CH 4516Aerosol and Cloud Chemistry00000
CH 1000Introductory Chemistry00000
CH 4241Advanced Mass Spectrometry Lab00000
CH 4210Instrumental Analysis00000
CH 4130Pdc 400000
CH 3540Biophysical Chemistry00000
CH 3510Ph Chem I: Therm, Equil, Kinet00000
CH 2990Exploring UG Chem Research00000
CH 2421Organic Chemistry Lab II00000
CH 2410Organic Chemistry I00000
CH 1161University Chem Lab II00000
CH 4311Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CH 5730Confocal Microscopy00000
CH 5519Atmospheric Biogeochemistry00000
CH 5509Transport/Transform of Org Pol00000
CH 5140Pharmaceutical Analysis00000
CH 4995Undergrad Research in Biochem00000
CH 4800Chemistry & Biology of Brewing00000
CH 4710Biomolecular Chemistry I00000
CH 4560Computational Chemistry00000
CH 4490Bioorganic Chemistry00000
CH 1151University Chemistry Lab I00000
CH 4240Advanced Mass Spectrometry00000
CH 4140Pharmaceutical Analysis00000
CH 3541Biophysical Chemistry Lab00000
CH 3521Physical Chemistry Lab II00000
CH 3505Math for Physical Chemistry I00000
CH 2510Intro Comp Chem & Informatics00000
CH 2420Organic Chemistry II00000
CH 2130Pdc 200000
CH 1153University Chem Recitation I00000