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MTU Course Reviews

Michigan Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EE 4219Intro to Elec Mach & Drives42541
EE 4227Power Electronics41441
EE 4295Intro Propulsion Sys for HEV44331
EE 5275Energy Storage Systems00000
EE 2180Introduction to Robotics00000
EE 1111Ece 1.000000
EE 5991Project Research in EE00000
EE 5821Computational Intelligence00000
EE 5750Dist Embedded Control Systems00000
EE 5542Algorithms and Optimizations00000
EE 5525Wireless Communications00000
EE 5496GPU and Multicore Programming00000
EE 5470Semiconductor Fabrication00000
EE 5430Electronic Materials00000
EE 5367Connected&Autonomous Vehicles00000
EE 5315Cyber Security Auto Sys I00000
EE 3010Circuits & Instrumentation CPS00000
EE 5231Energy Control Center Apps00000
EE 5223Power System Protection00000
EE 4901EE Design Project 100000
EE 4723Network Security00000
EE 4296Experiental Studies in HEV00000
EE 4262Digital and Non-linear Control00000
EE 4250Modern Communication Systems00000
EE 4231Physical Electronics00000
EE 4221Power System Analysis 100000
EE 3373Intro to Prog Controllers00000
EE 3250Intro to Comm Theory00000
EE 3171Microcontroller Apps for CPS00000
EE 2231Printed Circuit Fabrication00000
EE 5200Advanced Methods in Power Sys00000
EE 5992Practical Experience in EE00000
EE 5841Machine Learning00000
EE 5805Directed Study in Elec & Comp00000
EE 5777Adv Open-Source 3-D Printing00000
EE 5527Digital Communications00000
EE 5520Fourier Optics00000
EE 5471Microfabrication Laboratory00000
EE 5435High-Speed Circuit Design00000
EE 5390Scientific Computing00000
EE 5290Adv Power Sys Protection w/Lab00000
EE 5251Distribution Engineering II00000
EE 5232Power System Optimization00000
EE 5224Power System Protection Lab00000
EE 1110Essential Math for EE00000
EE 4805Electrical Engineering Project00000
EE 4737Embedded System Interfacing00000
EE 4370IoT Application & Design00000
EE 4272Computer Networks00000
EE 4253Real Time Signal Processing00000
EE 4235Sensing/Processing in Robotics00000
EE 4228Power Electronics Lab00000
EE 4222Power System Analysis 200000
EE 4173Comp Sys Engineering & Perform00000
EE 3901Design Fundamentals00000
EE 3261Control Systems00000
EE 3173H-ware/S-ware Syst Integration00000
EE 3131Electronics00000
EE 5221Advanced Electric Machines00000
EE 5990Thesis Research in EE00000
EE 5812Automotive Control Systems00000
EE 5780Advanced VLSI CAD00000
EE 5715Linear Systems Theory & Design00000
EE 5531Introduction to Robotics00000
EE 5521Detection & Estimation Theory00000
EE 5490Solar Photovoltaic Technology00000
EE 5460Solid State Devices00000
EE 5415Applied Optics and Photonics00000
EE 5365In-Vehicle Comm Networks00000
EE 5300Math and Comp Methods in Eng00000
EE 5250Distribution Engineering00000
EE 5230Power System Operations00000
EE 6210Power Sys Dynamics & Stability00000
EE 4910EE Design Project 200000
EE 4777Open-Source 3-D Printing00000
EE 4373Adv Programmable Controllers00000
EE 4271VLSI Design00000
EE 4252Digital SP and Applications00000
EE 4232Electronic Applications00000
EE 4226Power Engineering Laboratory00000
EE 3290Photonic Mat'l Devices & Apps00000
EE 3190Optical Sensing and Imaging00000
EE 3160Signals and Systems00000
EE 3120Electric Energy Systems00000
EE 2190Intro to Photonics00000
EE 5227Advanced Power Electronics00000
EE 2111Electric Circuits I00000
EE 6990Doctoral Research00000
EE 5900Microwave & Antenna Engr00000
EE 5811Automotive Systems00000
EE 5726Wireless Sensor Networks00000
EE 5532Sensing & Process for Robotics00000
EE 5522Digital Image Processing00000
EE 5500Prob & Stoch Processes00000
EE 5480Advanced MEMS00000
EE 5455Cybersecurity Indust Ctrl Sys00000
EE 5410Engineering Electromagnetics00000
EE 5295Adv Propulsion Sys for HEV00000
EE 5240Computer Model of Power System00000
EE 2174Digital Logic and Lab00000
EE 5220Transient Analysis Methods00000
EE 4800Electronic Materials & Devices00000
EE 4490Laser Systems and Applications00000
EE 4259Digital SP & Applications Lab00000
EE 4240Introduction to MEMS00000
EE 4220Intro to Elec Mach & Drive Lab00000
EE 4000Undergraduate Research00000
EE 3280Robot Operating Systems00000
EE 3180Probability - Signal Analysis00000
EE 3140Electromagnetics00000
EE 2230Printed Circuit Seminar Series00000
EE 2112Electric Circuits II and Lab00000