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MTU Course Reviews

Michigan Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FW 3200Biometrics and Data Analysis13111
FW 4500Independent Study00000
FW 5730Field Work in Int'l Forestry00000
FW 5560Dig Image Proc: Rem Sens Pers00000
FW 5550Geographic Information Science00000
FW 5517Soil Biogeochemistry00000
FW 5378Field Methods00000
FW 5370Measuring Plants & the Environ00000
FW 5330Applied Soil Science00000
FW 5092Experimental Design00000
FW 5083Prog Skills for Bioinformatics00000
FW 5079Forest Management00000
FW 4840Senior Research Thesis00000
FW 4830Integrated Natl Res Assessment00000
FW 4620Herpetology00000
FW 1035Wood Anatomy and Properties00000
FW 4370Forest and Landscape Hydrology00000
FW 4151Advanced Timber Harvesting00000
FW 4082Gene Expression Data Analysis00000
FW 3601Wildlife Research Techniques00000
FW 3410Conservation Biology00000
FW 3313Sustainability Science00000
FW 3170Land Measurements and GPS00000
FW 3110Natural Resource Policy00000
FW 3012Survey of Silviculture00000
FW 2060Environmental Sustainability00000
FW 1050Natural Resource Professional00000
FW 6980Graduate Teaching00000
FW 5800Master's Graduate Seminar00000
FW 4300Wildland Fire00000
FW 6999For Res and Env Sci Doc Res00000
FW 5999For Res & Env Sci MS Res00000
FW 5701Graduate Field Applied Ecology00000
FW 5557Applied Spatial Statistics00000
FW 5541Remote Sensing of Environ Lab00000
FW 5510Spec Topics in Nat Resources00000
FW 5377Adv For & Env Res Mgmt II00000
FW 5369Hydrology/Watershed Mgt'00000
FW 5201Forest Biometrics and Modeling00000
FW 5115Restoration Ecology00000
FW 4811Integr. Res. Data Collection00000
FW 4610Wildlife Ecology00000
FW 4400Urban Forestry00000
FW 5810Res Methods in Natural Res00000
FW 4220Wetlands00000
FW 4128Conservation Genetics00000
FW 4120Tree Physiology00000
FW 4099Prog Skills for Bioinformatics00000
FW 4000Professional Experience Prog.00000
FW 3765Maple Syrup, Mgmt. & Culture00000
FW 3600Wildlife Habitat00000
FW 3376Forest & Env Resource Mgmt I00000
FW 3150Timber Harvesting00000
FW 3097Forest Biomaterials00000
FW 3010Practice of Silviculture00000
FW 2051Field Techniques00000
FW 5678Nat Resources Field Service00000
FW 4710Environmental Biogeochemistry00000
FW 2010Vegetation of North America00000
FW 6800Doctoral Graduate Seminar00000
FW 5801Masters Seminar in GIS00000
FW 5700Graduate Field Forestry00000
FW 5555Adv GIS Concepts & Analysis00000
FW 5540Remote Sens of the Environment00000
FW 5412Regression in R00000
FW 5376Adv Forest & Env Res Mgmt I00000
FW 5368Forest Ecophysiology00000
FW 5135Plant Community Ecology00000
FW 5088Economic Analysis of Forestry00000
FW 5082Gene Expression Data Analysis00000
FW 5020Woody Plants of North America00000
FW 2100Introduction to Biochemistry00000
FW 4545Map Design with GIS00000
FW 4371Snow Hydrology00000
FW 4240Mammalogy00000
FW 4150Forest & Nat. Resource Mngmt'00000
FW 4115Tree Seedling Prod & GH Man00000
FW 4070How We Talk About Our Earth00000
FW 3800Insect Ecology00000
FW 3540Intro to GIS for Nat Res Man00000
FW 3330Soil Science00000
FW 3190Multi-resource Assessment00000
FW 3116Ethnobotany00000
FW 3075Introduction to Biotechnology00000
FW 2995Intro to Circular Economy00000
FW 4380Landscape Ecology and Planning00000
FW 5556GIS Project Management00000
FW 5554GPS Field Techniques00000
FW 5519Atmospheric Biogeochemistry00000
FW 5411Applied Regression Analysis00000
FW 5371Snow Hydrology00000
FW 5340Forest Genetics00000
FW 5180Sustainability Ethics00000
FW 5100Advanced Terrestrial Ecology00000
FW 5084Data Presentation with R00000
FW 5081Professionalism in Forestry00000
FW 5000Distinguished Ecologist Series00000
FW 4800Commun. for Natural Resources00000
FW 4540Remote Sens of the Environment00000
FW 2030Conservation of Nature00000
FW 4260Population Ecology00000
FW 4180Sustainability Ethics00000
FW 4140Stand & Forest Modeling00000
FW 4111Indigenous NR Management00000
FW 4080Forest Economics & Finance00000
FW 3840Forest Health00000
FW 3610Ornithology00000
FW 3510Outdoor Recreation and Tourism00000
FW 3377Forest & Env Resource Mgmt II00000
FW 3320Forest Genetics and Genomics00000
FW 3180Geomorph Landscapes Ecosystems00000
FW 3112Human Dimensions of Wildlife00000
FW 3020Forest Ecology00000