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MTU Course Reviews

Michigan Technological University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GE 3040Fundamentals of Geophysics42451
GE 4620Energy Economics00000
GE 2010Intro to GIS00000
GE 5995Domestic Geological Practicum00000
GE 5940Independent Geo Research Proj00000
GE 5800Math Modeling of Earth Systems00000
GE 5560Advanced Earthquake Seismology00000
GE 5250Advanced Computat. Geosciences00000
GE 5115Adv. Environmental Geophysics00000
GE 4931Origin of Charnokites00000
GE 3050Structural Geology00000
GE 4530Planetary Geology & Geophysics00000
GE 4290Mine Ventilation Engineering00000
GE 4180Volcanology00000
GE 3860Engg. Geology & Geoinformatics00000
GE 3400Drilling and Blasting00000
GE 3100Depositional Systems00000
GE 2320Mining Methods and Systems00000
GE 4610Formation Eval & Petrol Engg00000
GE 6999Doctoral Graduate Research00000
GE 5994Int'l Geological Practicum00000
GE 5930Adv. Comp. Methods in Geomech00000
GE 5660Soc Dim of Natural Hazards00000
GE 5515Advanced Geoinformatics00000
GE 5195Volcano Seismology00000
GE 4961Independent Geology Res Proj00000
GE 4900Capstone I Design00000
GE 2310Introduction to Petrology00000
GE 4504Air Quality Engg & Science00000
GE 4220Mine Sys & The Environment00000
GE 4150Natural Hazards00000
GE 3880Mine Planning and Design00000
GE 3850Geohydrology00000
GE 3410Mine Safety Eng & Health00000
GE 1100Geo Eng & Sci Orientation00000
GE 4910Capstone II00000
GE 2100Environmental Geology00000
GE 1200Intro Data Sci Earth Resources00000
GE 5998Int'l Geology Masters Research00000
GE 5950Applied Remote Sensing00000
GE 5850Adv Groundwater Eng & Remedia00000
GE 5430Advanced Planetary Geology00000
GE 5180Advanced Volcanology00000
GE 4934Intro to Mining Engineering00000
GE 2640Atmospheric Observ/Meteorology00000
GE 4800Groundwater Engineering00000
GE 4560Earthquake Seismology00000
GE 4250Fund Remote Sensing00000
GE 4115Environmental Geophysics00000
GE 3430Geomechanics Laboratory00000
GE 3250Computational Geosciences00000
GE 2300Mineral Science00000
GE 4860Computer Methods in Geomech.00000
GE 2000Understanding the Earth00000
GE 5999Master's Graduate Research00000
GE 5960Aggregate Mine Design00000
GE 5870Geostatistics & Data Analysis00000
GE 5600Adv Reflection Seismology00000
GE 5260Scientific Communication00000
GE 5150Advanced Natural Hazards00000
GE 4933Special Topics in Geophysics00000
GE 2020Intro Min Engg & Min Methods00000
GE 4600Reflection Seismology00000
GE 4360Bulk Materials Dynamics & Engg00000
GE 4190Magma Reservoir Dynamics00000
GE 3890Eng Geology & Rock Mechanics00000
GE 3870Resource & Reserve Estimation00000
GE 3320Earth History00000
GE 3200Geochemistry00000