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MU Course Reviews

Millersville University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 353Watercolor 143441
ART 345Introduction to Computer Art00000
ART 454Painting 400000
ART 445Advanced Computer Art00000
ART 410Interm Photography:Digital00000
ART 406Intm Photography: Darkroom00000
ART 396Ceramics 300000
ART 382Sculpture 200000
ART 368Collage00000
ART 365Intaglio Printmaking 100000
ART 363Lithography Printmaking 100000
ART 355Watercolor 200000
ART 464Relief Printmaking 200000
ART 325Method and Pedagogy for Art00000
ART 313Art in America00000
ART 305Women in Art00000
ART 302The Italian Renaissance00000
ART 297Ceramics 200000
ART 295Ceramics:Hand Building00000
ART 282Sculpture 100000
ART 233Drawing 200000
ART 203Srvy Art Hist 2:1400 thru 20C00000
ART 201HH:Hist and Aesthtcs of Photog00000
ART 167Experimental Photography00000
ART 554Painting00000
ART 691Fine Art Metals00000
ART 686Topics: Landscape Painting00000
ART 654Painting00000
ART 597Ceramics00000
ART 592Fine Art Metals00000
ART 588Art Hist Top: Ancient Art/Supe00000
ART 587Topics: Meaningful Art Ed00000
ART 586Topics: Teaching Contemp Art00000
ART 583Sculpture00000
ART 567Advanced Photography 200000
ART 563Printmaking-Relief00000
ART 133Drawing 100000
ART 552Painting00000
ART 533Drawing00000
ART 524Art Education Methods II00000
ART 497Ceramics 400000
ART 492Advancd Fine Art Metal/Jewelry00000
ART 490Beyond Makng Strat for Success00000
ART 483Sculpture 400000
ART 477The Photograph as Narrative00000
ART 469Contemp Issues in Printmaking00000
ART 467Water Based Silkscreen 200000
ART 324Meaningful Art Education00000
ART 433Drawing 400000
ART 409Advanced Photography00000
ART 404Contemporary Art00000
ART 391Fine Art Metals: Casting00000
ART 376Intro to Photo: Digital00000
ART 367Water Based Silkscreen 100000
ART 364Relief Printmaking 100000
ART 361Survey Printmaking 100000
ART 354Painting 200000
ART 352Painting 100000
ART 333Drawing 300000
ART 452Painting 300000
ART 306Intro Photography: Darkroom00000
ART 304The 20th Century00000
ART 301The Ancient World00000
ART 296Ceramics:Wheel Throwing00000
ART 291Intro: Fine Art Metals/Jewelry00000
ART 2423D Design00000
ART 221Introduction to Art Education00000
ART 202Srvy Art Hist 1:Pre to c 140000000
ART 201Hist and Aesthtcs of Photgrphy00000
ART 1422D Design00000
ART 128Art Integration00000
ART 534Drawing00000
ART 699Thesis00000
ART 687Topics: Watercolor Theme Var00000
ART 678Documented Study00000
ART 602Qualtve & Arts-Based Rsrch Mth00000
ART 596Ceramics00000
ART 591Fine Art Metals00000
ART 584Intro Studio Art: Ceram Handbl00000
ART 582Sculpture00000
ART 566Collage00000
ART 555Watercolor00000
ART 553Watercolor00000
ART 100Art in Culture00000
ART 525Art Education Methods III00000
ART 522Art Education Methods I00000
ART 494Studio Capstone: Appropriatn00000
ART 491Fine Art Metals: Form Emphasis00000
ART 486Sp Topic: Sculpting the Figure00000
ART 482Sculpture 300000
ART 476Picturing the Body00000
ART 468Mixed Media Printmaking00000
ART 465Intaglio Printmaking 200000
ART 463Lithography Printmaking 200000