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MU Course Reviews

Millersville University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ERCH 110Intro to Early Childhood Ed00000
ERCH 225Foundations of Reading00000
ERCH 315Family/Commun:Aspcts of Divers00000
ERCH 345Social Studies for Young Lrnr00000
ERCH 435Literature for the Young Child00000
ERCH 485Tchng Young Engl Lang Learners00000
ERCH 001Erly Childhd Professional Bloc00000
ERCH 190Intro to Integrative STEM00000
ERCH 290Children's Engineering00000
ERCH 316Creative Experncs Young Child00000
ERCH 421Lang Devel and Emergent Litrcy00000
ERCH 455Tchg Math to Young Children00000
ERCH 496Curriculm, Instrctn & Assesmnt00000