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Murphy Institute Course Reviews

School of Labor and Urban Studies (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HCA 309Applied Research Methods in Healthcare Organizations00000
HCA 603Evaluation of Healthcare Policies and Programs00000
HCA 604Leading Change in Turbulent Times00000
LABR 304Unions and Labor Relations00000
LABR 328Leadership and Administration: Power, Politics, and Organiza...00000
LABR 334Public Sector Labor Law00000
LABR 601Labor in the Era of Globalization00000
LABR 606Labor Studies Field Work/Internship00000
LABR 620Collective Bargaining Theory and Practice00000
LABR 699Capstone00000
LHIS 311The History of Public Sector Workers in the United States00000
PADM 201Public Administration00000
PADM 621Policy Analysis00000
URB 200Social Justice in the City00000
URB 321Community Organizing and Community Organizations00000
URB 340Contemporary Urban Problems00000
URB 499Urban and Community Studies Capstone00000
URB 612Urban Social Problems and Community Development00000
URB 622Nonprofit Governance and Management00000
HCA 308Advocacy for Healthcare Change00000
HCA 602The Politics of Health Care00000
LABR 302Contemporary Labor Issues00000
LABR 324Labor and Employment Law00000
LABR 330Issues in Labor Organizing00000
LABR 398Labor Studies Independent Study00000
LABR 603Labor-Management Relations00000
LABR 607Labor and the Economy00000
LABR 614Labor & Immigration00000
LABR 698Capstone Project Planning00000
LPOL 301Work, Culture, and Politics in New York City00000
PADM 221Public Issues and Public Policy00000
PADM 601Public Administration00000
URB 103Writing 2: The Nature of the City00000
URB 320Urban Populations and Communities00000
URB 339Urban and Community Studies Fieldwork00000
URB 600Classical Approaches to Urban Studies00000
URB 615Mass Incarceration and Public Policy00000
URB 623Operations: Finance and Law in Cooperative Enterprises00000
HCA 306Foundations for Healthcare Leaders00000
HCA 601Health Disparities00000
LABR 609Comparative Labor Movements00000
LABR 622Strategic Research Methods00000
LABR 669Special Topics in Labor Studies00000
LPOL 602Work, Culture and Politics in New York City00000
PADM 231Research Seminar on Public Policy00000
URB 101Statistics for Social Change00000
URB 310Introduction to U.S. Social and Economic Policy00000
URB 322Social Movements00000
URB 351Research Methods for Urban and Community Studies00000
URB 601Urban Public Management00000
URB 613Cooperative Management for a Changing World00000
URB 635Community Organization00000
URB 699Capstone in Urban Studies00000
HCA 307Urban Health Issues and Public Policy00000
HCA 600Fundamentals of Healthcare Systems and Organizations00000
LABR 201Introduction to Labor Studies00000
LABR 320Collective Bargaining00000
LABR 325Arbitration00000
LABR 331Health and Safety in the Workplace00000
LABR 399Labor and Workplace Studies Field Work00000
LABR 604Labor Law00000
LABR 608Issues In Organizing00000
LHIS 301United States Labor History00000
PADM 611Social and Economic Policy in the United States00000
URB 210Criminal Justice: Causes and Consequences of Mass Incarcerat...00000
URB 324Introduction to Nonprofit Leadership00000
URB 399Urban and Community Studies Independent Study00000
URB 602Economic Democracy: History, Theory and Practice00000
URB 620Urban Public Finance00000
URB 639Fieldwork00000
URB 651Special Topics00000
LPOL 303Campaigns and Elections00000
URB 102Writing 1: Language, Literacy, and Culture00000
URB 451Urban and Community Studies Special Topics00000
URB 610Research Methods in Urban Studies00000
URB 621Delivery of Urban Public Services00000
URB 649Independent Study00000
LABR 337Contract Administration00000
LABR 602Research Methods00000
LABR 605Perspectives on the Labor Movement00000
LABR 649Independent Study00000
LHIS 601United States Labor History00000
PADM 211Government, Politics and the Policy-Making Process00000