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Murray State Course Reviews

Murray State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CSC 232Introduction to Programming in C#45231
CSC 508Advanced Machine Learning00000
CSC 325Advanced Object-Oriented Programming00000
CSC 360Scripting Languages00000
CSC 375Introduction to Machine Learning00000
CSC 405Computer Architecture00000
CSC 411Distributed Systems Project in Graphics and Visual Computing00000
CSC 413Distributed Systems Project in Embedded Systems Programming00000
CSC 415Programming Languages00000
CSC 430Software Construction00000
CSC 447Algorithms Project in Net-Centric Computing00000
CSC 449Algorithms Project in Applications Programming00000
CSC 455Computer Security00000
CSC 275Introduction to Game Programming00000
CSC 515Computer Graphics Programming00000
CSC 530Senior Software Project00000
CSC 531Graphical User Interface Development Project-Graphcs/Visual...00000
CSC 532Graphical User Interface Development Project in Net-Centric...00000
CSC 533Graphical User Interface Development Project-Embedded Sys Pr...00000
CSC 534Graphical User Interface Development Project-Applications Pr...00000
CSC 540Social, Ethical, & Professional Issues in the Information Ag...00000
CSC 575Computer Animation and Game Development00000
CSC 585Special Problems00000
CSC 414Distributed Systems Project in Applications Programming00000
CSC 101Introduction to Problem Solving Using Computers00000
CSC 145Introduction to Programming00000
CSC 235Programming in C++00000
CSC 299Special Topics in Computer Applications00000
CSC 310Database Administration00000
CSC 345Data Structures00000
CSC 370Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
CSC 385Introduction to Special Topics00000
CSC 410Parallel and Distributed Computing00000
CSC 412Distributed Systems Project in Net-Centriccomputing00000
CSC 300Discrete Structures00000
CSC 425Web-Based Services and Applications00000
CSC 445Computer Algorithms00000
CSC 446Algorithms Project in Graphics and Visual Computing00000
CSC 448Algorithms Project in Embedded Systems Programming00000
CSC 450Cryptography00000
CSC 488Cooperative Education/Internship00000
CSC 125Internet and Web Page Design00000
CSC 199Introduction to Information Technology00000
CSC 233Programming in Python00000
CSC 100TTransitions00000