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MVSU Course Reviews

Mississippi Valley State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HL 318Drugs and Alcohol Abuse00000
MS 202General Military Science II00000
ED 302Educational Psychology00000
ET 374Technical Writing00000
EH 510Environmental Health Practice00000
CS 203Computer Programming I00000
MC 330Mass Comm Processes & Effects00000
BI 431LAquatic Biology Lab00000
ED 526Trends Teaching Social Studies00000
CH 320LIntroduction to Bio. Chem. Lab00000
ET 203Introduction to CADD00000
EN 201World Literature00000
CJ 562Seminar in Juvenile Delinquenc00000
FY 101Freshmen Year Experience Sem.00000
BI 311LGenetics Laboratory00000
MA 333Concepts of Mathematics III00000
EC 106Dev Prospective of the Family00000
MJ 508Broadcast Production00000
BA 445Consumer Behavior00000
MU 101KClarinet00000
CH 112LGeneral Chemistry II Lab00000
EH 301LEnvironmental Microbiology Lab00000
BA 612Mgmt & Organiz Design Theory00000
EH 588Public Health Adm& Planning00000
CH 492Chemistry Seminar00000
ET 101Print Reading00000
EN 364Survey African American Lit I00000
CJ 482Police Organization/Mgmt00000
ET 307CAD Applications II00000
BF 712Statistical Bioinformatics00000
ET 472History of Technology00000
CJ 602Seminar in Police Admin & Mgmt00000
HI 432History of Mississippi00000
BA 321Personal Finance00000
MA 301Calculus III00000
CS 398Social/Ethical Issues in Compt00000
MC 311Newspaper Editing00000
BI 410LCell Biology Laboratory00000
MC 440Public Relations Research00000
EC 316Guid/Mgmt of the Lrng Envrmnt00000
MJ 560Convergent Media Ethics00000
AR 103Drawing I00000
MS 402Adv. Course Gen. Mil. Sci. V00000
ED 503Dvlpmnt/Assessment/Evaluation00000
MU 101YValley Singers00000
BA 460Internet & Comp Core Cert00000
EH 191Environmental Health Seminar00000
CH 302Organic Chemistry II00000
EH 418Solid & Hazardous Waste Mgmt00000
AR 191Art Seminar00000
EH 540Principles of Air Pollution00000
CH 415Chemical Instrumentation00000
EH 691Environmental Health Seminar00000
BA 632Global. and the New Glob. Econ00000
EN 308Principles Literary Criticism00000
CJ 384Law Enfrcmt Systems/Practices00000
EN 467HHHip-Hop & Creative Expression00000
EN 371Adv Grammar/Effective Writing00000
CJ 392Intro. to Forensic Science00000
ET 191Seminar00000
BF 602Databases-Mining, Relat & Prog00000
ET 242Digital Electronics and Linear00000
CJ 492Sem Crm Justice Ethics/Career00000
ET 341Fiber Optics00000
BA 211Principles of Economics I00000
ET 442LProgram Logic Controller Lab00000
CJ 589Special Topics in Correct Admi00000
ET 491Seminar00000
BI 112General Biology II Botany00000
HI 340Public History00000
CN 102Elementary Chinese00000
HL 205Marriage/Family Living/Sex Ed00000
AC 430Cost Accounting00000
MA 132Concepts of Mathematics II00000
CS 323Intro to Algorithms00000
MA 317Analysis I00000
BI 355Rsch Methodology Scientists00000
MA 491Mathematics Seminar00000
CS 441Languages and Compilers00000
MC 316BJournalism Practicum00000
BA 371Business Law I00000
MC 400Principles of Advertising00000
EC 309Cltrl Dvrst- Early Chldhd Educ00000
MJ 503Print Reporting00000
BI 421LVertebrate Histology Lab00000
MJ 540Visual Communication00000
EC 463Practicum Experience00000
MS 102General Military Science00000
AC 325Governmental Accounting00000
MS 304Basic and Adv. Field Training00000
ED 405Directd Tchng: Grades K-4; 4-800000
MU 101ETrombone00000
BI 491Biology Seminar00000
ED 510Research in Education00000
AC 222Managerial Accounting00000
AC 403Tax II00000
AR 417IS Print Making/Photography00000
BA 642Operations Management00000
CJ 387Juvenile Justice Systems/Pract00000
EN 411Restoratn & 18th Cent Engl Lit00000