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NCCU Course Reviews

North Carolina Central University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENG 1110English Composition I44441
ENG 2510Language, Culture and Comm00000
ENG 3510Visual Rhetoric and Composing00000
ENG 4000The History of the English Language00000
ENG 4140Writing for Digital Media00000
ENG 4300Shakespeare00000
ENG 4900Intergrating Reading and Writi00000
ENG 1020Grammar and Writing00000
ENG 1210English Composition II00000
ENG 1500Writing about Literature00000
ENG 2130Sociolinguistics00000
ENG 2320Surv of English Literature II00000
ENG 3320American Literature II00000
ENG 3030Forensic Linguistics00000
ENG 3110Advanced English Grammar00000
ENG 3300Applied Literary Criticism00000
ENG 3400Junior-Senior Seminar00000
ENG 3440Social Inequality in S. Asia00000
ENG 3700Creative Writing: Prose00000
ENG 3800Creative Writing: Poetry00000
ENG 4110The Nineteenth-Century Novel00000
ENG 4150Intern in Prof & Tech Writing00000
ENG 4420Contemporary British and American Drama00000
ENG 4910Theories of Writing00000
ENG 4200Modern African Literature00000
ENG 1300World Literature I00000
ENG 2105Introduction to Technical Writ00000
ENG 2310British Literature I00000
ENG 2720Intro to Creative Writing00000
ENG 3040Special Topics in Language and Literature00000
ENG 3120Advanced Composition WI00000
ENG 3310American Literature I00000
ENG 3410African American Literature I00000
ENG 3605Contemporary Literature00000
ENG 3910Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction00000
ENG 4120The Twentieth-Century Novel00000
ENG 3420African American Literature II00000
ENG 4510History of Rhetoric00000
ENG 4800Independent Study00000
ENG 1010Listening and Speaking00000
ENG 1400World Literature II00000
ENG 2115Introduction to Linguistics00000
ENG 2340Contemporary African American Literature00000
ENG 3010The Basics of Legal Writing00000
ENG 3105Professional Writing00000
ENG 3130Writing for Social Change00000
ENG 1050Fundamentals of College Writin00000