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NCCU Course Reviews

North Carolina Central University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 2220US History since 186535221
HIST 2420African History Since 180000000
HIST 3524Black Women & Activism00000
HIST 3900Internship in Historical Studi00000
HIST 4040Seminar in African American History Seminar in European Hist...00000
HIST 4070Seminar in the African Diaspor00000
HIST 4130Renaissance and Reformation00000
HIST 4170The New Europeans: Race and Et00000
HIST 4470History of Pan-Africanism00000
HIST 4620Latin American Revolution00000
HIST 4900Teaching High School Social St00000
HIST 1320World Societies00000
HIST 2120Medieval History00000
HIST 2310History of Hip Hop (Comprehensive)00000
HIST 3430Africa Under Colonial Rule00000
HIST 2890Methods and Appl in History00000
HIST 3020Introduction to Public History00000
HIST 3160History of England since 168800000
HIST 3522The Black Female Body in Ameri00000
HIST 3527Black Women in the 20th Centur00000
HIST 4020Seminar in American History00000
HIST 4060Seminar in Latin American History00000
HIST 4120European Dip History00000
HIST 4150European Intellectual History00000
HIST 4510Modern African American Histor00000
HIST 4630The African Presence in Latin America00000
HIST 4310History of North Carolina00000
HIST 2000Historical Writ and Lit(WI)00000
HIST 2410African History to 180000000
HIST 2620Latin Amer Hist: The Nat'l Per00000
HIST 3072Women in the African Diaspora00000
HIST 3118Europe, 1815-191400000
HIST 3440Africa Since Independence00000
HIST 3523Black Feminist Thought and Feminist Thought00000
HIST 3710Intro To African Diaspora Hist00000
HIST 4010Seminar in European History00000
HIST 4050Seminar in African History00000
HIST 4110Europe Since 191400000
HIST 4160The African Presence in Europe00000
HIST 3500Independent Readings in Africa00000
HIST 4610History of the Caribbean00000
HIST 4640Latin American History Through00000
HIST 4910Comparative Slavery00000
HIST 1530The Black Experience to 186500000
HIST 1540The Black Exper since 186500000
HIST 2210United States History to 186500000
HIST 2320History of Hip Hop (Audio)00000
HIST 2610Latin Am: The Colonial Period00000
HIST 3010Problems in European History00000
HIST 3115Europe, 1500-181500000
HIST 1100World Societies to 165000000