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NCSU Course Reviews

North Carolina State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BCH 351General Biochemistry00000
BCH 453Biochemistry of Gene Expression00000
BCH 492External Learning Experience00000
BCH 553Biochemistry of Gene Expression00000
BCH 590Special Topics in Biochemistry00000
BCH 615Special Topics In Biochemistry00000
BCH 690Master's Examination00000
BCH 699Master's Thesis Preparation00000
BCH 705Molecular Biology Of the Cell00000
BCH 761Advanced Molecular Biology Of the Cell00000
BCH 815Advanced Special Topics00000
BCH 893Doctoral Supervised Research00000
BCH 330Physical Biochemistry00000
BCH 452Introductory Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BCH 455Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms00000
BCH 495Special Topics in Biochemistry00000
BCH 552Experimental Biochemistry00000
BCH 571Regulation of Metabolism00000
BCH 610Special Topics00000
BCH 685Master's Supervised Teaching00000
BCH 695Master's Thesis Research00000
BCH 703Macromolecular Synthesis and Regulation00000
BCH 760Protein Crystallography and Macromolecular Modeling00000
BCH 810Special Topics00000
BCH 885Doctoral Supervised Teaching00000
BCH 890Doctoral Preliminary Examination00000
BCH 899Doctoral Dissertation Preparation00000
BCH 103Introduction to Biochemistry00000
BCH 451Principles of Biochemistry00000
BCH 454Advanced Biochemistry Laboratory00000
BCH 493Special Problems in Biochemistry00000
BCH 555Proteins and Molecular Mechanisms00000
BCH 601Macromolecular Structure00000
BCH 670Laboratory Rotations00000
BCH 693Master's Supervised Research00000
BCH 701Macromolecular Structure00000
BCH 710Biological Scanning Electron Microscopy00000
BCH 801Seminar In Biochemistry00000
BCH 870Laboratory Rotations00000
BCH 895Doctoral Dissertation Research00000