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NCSU Course Reviews

North Carolina State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIT 295Special Topics in Biotechnology00000
BIT 464Protein Purification00000
BIT 467PCR and DNA Fingerprinting00000
BIT 474Plant Genetic Engineering00000
BIT 480Yeast Metabolic Engineering00000
BIT 501Ethical Issues in Biotechnology00000
BIT 564Protein Purification00000
BIT 567PCR and DNA Fingerprinting00000
BIT 573Protein Interactions00000
BIT 579High-Throughput Discovery00000
BIT 595Special Topics00000
BIT 790Independent Study in Biotechnology00000
BIT 100Current Topics in Biotechnology00000
BIT 402Biotechnology Networking and Professional Development00000
BIT 466Animal Cell Culture Techniques00000
BIT 473Protein Interactions00000
BIT 479High-Throughput Discovery00000
BIT 495Special Topics in Biotechnology00000
BIT 510Core Technologies in Molecular and Cellular Biology00000
BIT 566Animal Cell Culture Techniques00000
BIT 572Proteomics00000
BIT 577Metagenomics00000
BIT 590Independent Study in Biotechnology00000
BIT 693Master's Supervised Research00000
BIT 885Doctoral Supervised Teaching00000
BIT 210Phage Hunters00000
BIT 410Manipulation of Recombinant DNA00000
BIT 465Real-time PCR Techniques00000
BIT 471RNA Interference and Model Organisms00000
BIT 477Metagenomics00000
BIT 493Special Problems in Biotechnology00000
BIT 502Biotechnology Networking and Professional Development00000
BIT 565Real-time PCR Techniques00000
BIT 571RNA Interference and Model Organisms00000
BIT 574Plant Genetic Engineering00000
BIT 580Yeast Metabolic Engineering00000
BIT 685Master's Supervised Teaching00000
BIT 815Advanced Special Topics00000