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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 2315Organic Chemistry 1 for Chemistry Majors52551
CHEM 1222Recitation for CHEM 122000000
CHEM 1106Recitation for CHEM 110400000
CHEM 1117Chemical Perspectives on Green Energy: Emerging Technologies and Opportunities00000
CHEM 1153Recitation for CHEM 115100000
CHEM 1163Recitation for CHEM 116100000
CHEM 1213Recitation for CHEM 121100000
CHEM 1216Recitation for CHEM 121400000
CHEM 1218Lab for CHEM 121700000
CHEM 1220General Chemistry 2 for Chemical Science Majors00000
CHEM 1103Recitation for CHEM 110100000
CHEM 2161Concepts in Chemistry00000
CHEM 2163Recitation for CHEM 216100000
CHEM 2312Lab for CHEM 231100000
CHEM 2314Lab for CHEM 231300000
CHEM 2317Organic Chemistry 2 for Chemistry Majors00000
CHEM 2319Recitation for CHEM 231100000
CHEM 2322Lab for CHEM 232100000
CHEM 2325Recitation for CHEM 231700000
CHEM 2331Bioanalytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 5700Topics in Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5610Polymer Chemistry00000
CHEM 5612Principles of Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 5617Protein Mass Spectrometry Laboratory00000
CHEM 5621Principles of Chemical Biology for Chemists00000
CHEM 5626Organic Synthesis 100000
CHEM 5629Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5638Molecular Modeling00000
CHEM 5651Materials Chemistry of Renewable Energy00000
CHEM 3401Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics00000
CHEM 5984Research00000
CHEM 7247Advances in Nanomaterials00000
CHEM 7710Laboratory Rotations in Chemistry and Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 7962Elective00000
CHEM 8504Graduate Seminar00000
CHEM 8986Research00000
CHEM 9990Dissertation Term 100000
CHEM 1000Chemistry/Chemical Biology at Northeastern00000
CHEM 7305Special Topics in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry00000
CHEM 5622Lab for CHEM 562100000
CHEM 5627Mechanistic and Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5630Nucleic Acid Chemistry00000
CHEM 5640Biopolymeric Materials00000
CHEM 5660Analytical Biochemistry00000
CHEM 5672Organic Synthesis 200000
CHEM 5904Seminar00000
CHEM 6500Cheminformatics00000
CHEM 5618Advanced Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 7730Advanced Laboratory Methods00000
CHEM 7990Thesis00000
CHEM 8960Exam Preparation—Doctoral00000
CHEM 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
CHEM 9986Research00000
CHEM 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
CHEM 3331Bioanalytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 5641Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 4628Introduction to Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds00000
CHEM 3404Lab for CHEM 340300000
CHEM 3432Lab for CHEM 343100000
CHEM 3502Lab for CHEM 350100000
CHEM 3505Introduction to Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 3521Instrumental Methods of Analysis00000
CHEM 3531Chemical Synthesis Characterization00000
CHEM 4456Organic Chemistry 3: Organic Chemistry of Drug Design and Development00000
CHEM 4620Introduction to Protein Chemistry00000
CHEM 4993Independent Study00000
CHEM 4750Senior Research00000
CHEM 4970Junior/Senior Honors Project 100000
CHEM 4991Research00000
CHEM 4994Internship00000
CHEM 5501Chemical Safety in the Research Laboratory00000
CHEM 5600Research Skills and Ethics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 5613Optical Methods of Analysis00000
CHEM 5614Electroanalytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 4629Identification of Organic Compounds00000
CHEM 2332Lab for CHEM 233100000
CHEM 3402Lab for CHEM 340100000
CHEM 3410Environmental Geochemistry00000
CHEM 3501Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 3506Lab for CHEM 350500000
CHEM 3522Instrumental Methods of Analysis Lab00000
CHEM 3532Chemical Synthesis Characterization Lab00000
CHEM 4457Lab for CHEM 445600000
CHEM 4621Introduction to Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 2323Recitation for CHEM 232100000
CHEM 4770Chemistry Capstone00000
CHEM 4971Junior/Senior Honors Project 200000
CHEM 4992Directed Study00000
CHEM 5460Enzymes: Chemistry and Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 5599Introduction to Research Skills and Ethics in Chemistry00000
CHEM 5611Analytical Separations00000
CHEM 5616Protein Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 5620Protein Chemistry00000
CHEM 1214General Chemistry 200000
CHEM 5655Molecular Symmetry and Group Theory00000
CHEM 2120Tropical Disease And Medicine00000
CHEM 1101General Chemistry for Health Sciences00000
CHEM 1105Lab for CHEM 110400000
CHEM 1107Introduction to Forensic Science00000
CHEM 1151General Chemistry for Engineers00000
CHEM 1161General Chemistry for Science Majors00000
CHEM 1211General Chemistry 100000
CHEM 5625Chemistry and Design of Protein Pharmaceuticals00000
CHEM 1217General Chemistry 1 for Chemical Science Majors00000
CHEM 1221Lab for CHEM 122000000
CHEM 1990Elective00000
CHEM 2162Lab for CHEM 216100000
CHEM 2311Organic Chemistry 100000
CHEM 2313Organic Chemistry 200000
CHEM 2316Lab for CHEM 231500000
CHEM 2320Recitation for CHEM 231300000
CHEM 3503Recitation for CHEM 350100000
CHEM 1215Lab for CHEM 121400000
CHEM 1219Recitation for CHEM 121700000
CHEM 2318Lab for CHEM 231700000
CHEM 2321Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 2324Recitation for CHEM 231500000
CHEM 2990Elective00000
CHEM 3403Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 3431Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 1212Lab for CHEM 121100000
CHEM 3507Recitation for CHEM 350500000
CHEM 3990Elective00000
CHEM 4460Enzymes: Chemistry and Chemical Biology00000
CHEM 4622Lab for CHEM 462100000
CHEM 4700Topics in Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4901Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM 4990Elective00000
CHEM 3332Lab for CHEM 333100000
CHEM 7996Thesis Continuation00000
CHEM 5628Principles of Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds00000
CHEM 5636Statistical Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 5648Chemical Principles and Application of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics00000
CHEM 5676Bioorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5976Directed Study00000
CHEM 6962Elective00000
CHEM 7317Analytical Biotechnology00000
CHEM 7750Advanced Problem Solving00000
CHEM 5550Introduction to Glycobiology and Glycoprotein Analysis00000
CHEM 8984Research00000
CHEM 9984Research00000
CHEM 9991Dissertation Term 200000
CHEM 1102Lab for CHEM 110100000
CHEM 1104Organic Chemistry for Health Sciences00000
CHEM 1109The Chemistry of Food and Cooking00000
CHEM 1152Lab for CHEM 115100000
CHEM 1162Lab for CHEM 116100000