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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CIVE 9990Dissertation Term 100000
CIVE 7390Special Topics in Construction Management Engineering00000
CIVE 7394Special Topics in Geotechnical Engineering00000
CIVE 7400Seminar00000
CIVE 7976Directed Study00000
CIVE 7990Thesis00000
CIVE 8674Master’s Report00000
CIVE 8984Research00000
CIVE 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
CIVE 7382Advanced Traffic Control and Simulation00000
CIVE 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
CIVE 2221Statics and Solid Mechanics00000
CIVE 2261Lab for CIVE 226000000
CIVE 2324Concrete Structure Design00000
CIVE 2335Environmental Engineering Chemistry00000
CIVE 2949Introductory Directed Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CIVE 3430Engineering Microbiology and Ecology00000
CIVE 3990Elective00000
CIVE 7357Advanced Structural Mechanics00000
CIVE 7350Behavior of Concrete Structures00000
CIVE 7331Structural Dynamics00000
CIVE 7312Earthquake Engineering00000
CIVE 7301Advanced Soil Mechanics00000
CIVE 7261Surface Water Quality Modeling00000
CIVE 7252Water Engineering: Planning, Design, and Management00000
CIVE 7240Construction Equipment and Modeling00000
CIVE 7151Urban Informatics and Processing00000
CIVE 7100Time Series and Geospatial Data Sciences00000
CIVE 6777Climate Hazards and Resilient Cities Abroad00000
CIVE 5699Special Topics in Civil Engineering00000
CIVE 5522Structural Systems Modeling00000
CIVE 5373Transportation Systems: Analysis and Planning00000
CIVE 5300Environmental Sampling and Analysis00000
CIVE 7340Seismic Analysis and Design00000
CIVE 6962Elective00000
CIVE 7110Critical Infrastructure Resilience00000
CIVE 7220Construction Management00000
CIVE 7250Environmental Chemistry00000
CIVE 7255Environmental Physical/Chemical Processes00000
CIVE 7272Air Quality Management00000
CIVE 7302Advanced Foundation Engineering00000
CIVE 7313Ground Improvement00000
CIVE 6566Sustainable Urban Transportation: Netherlands00000
CIVE 7342System Identification00000
CIVE 7354Wind Engineering00000
CIVE 7380Performance Models and Simulation of Transportation Networks00000
CIVE 7385Public Transportation00000
CIVE 7387Design Aspects of Roadway Safety00000
CIVE 2000Introduction to Engineering Co-op Education00000
CIVE 5270Environmental Protection And Management00000
CIVE 5280Remote Sensing of the Environment00000
CIVE 5978Independent Study00000
CIVE 5525Prestressed Concrete Design00000
CIVE 5376Traffic Engineering and Sustainable Urban Street Design00000
CIVE 5301Lab for CIVE 530000000
CIVE 5281Coastal Dynamics and Design00000
CIVE 5261Dynamic Modeling for Environmental Investment and Policymaking00000
CIVE 5231Alternative Project Delivery Systems in Construction00000
CIVE 4992Directed Study00000
CIVE 4971Junior/Senior Honors Project 200000
CIVE 4780Timber and Masonry Structures: Technology and Design Abroad00000
CIVE 4768Senior Design Project—Transportation00000
CIVE 4765Senior Design Project—Environmental00000
CIVE 4575Construction Management00000
CIVE 4554Highway Design00000
CIVE 4540Resource Recovery and Waste Treatment Technologies Abroad00000
CIVE 5984Research00000
CIVE 4781Introduction to Preservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings, Technology, and Policies Abroad00000
CIVE 4991Research00000
CIVE 5221Construction Project Control and Organization00000
CIVE 5260Environmental Fluid Mechanics00000
CIVE 5275Life Cycle Assessment of Materials, Products, and Infrastructure00000
CIVE 5363Climate Science, Engineering Adaptation, and Policy00000
CIVE 5520Structural Systems00000
CIVE 5536Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design00000
CIVE 4777Climate Hazards and Resilient Cities Abroad00000
CIVE 6778Climate Adaptation and Policy Abroad00000
CIVE 7150Data-Driven Decision Support for Civil and Environmental Engineering00000
CIVE 7230Legal Aspects of Civil Engineering00000
CIVE 7251Environmental Biological Processes00000
CIVE 7260Hydrologic Modeling00000
CIVE 7281Coastal and Nearshore Hydrodynamics00000
CIVE 7311Soil and Foundation Dynamics00000
CIVE 7330Advanced Structural Analysis00000
CIVE 4700Civil Engineering Research00000
CIVE 4699Special Topics in Civil Engineering00000
CIVE 4566Design for Sustainable Transportation: Netherlands00000
CIVE 4541Waste Management and Policy Abroad00000
CIVE 4534Water Treatment Systems Design00000
CIVE 3435Environmental Pollution Fate and Transport00000
CIVE 2990Elective00000
CIVE 2340Geotechnical Engineering00000
CIVE 2331Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics00000
CIVE 2320Structural Analysis00000
CIVE 2222Recitation for CIVE 222100000
CIVE 1200How Cities Work: Experiencing Urban Infrastructure00000
CIVE 6964Co-op Work Experience00000
CIVE 5150Climate and Atmospheric Change00000
CIVE 5524Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring00000
CIVE 4567Planning and Policy for Sustainable Urban Transportation: Netherlands00000
CIVE 2260Materials for the Built Environment00000
CIVE 2321Recitation for CIVE 232000000
CIVE 2334Environmental Engineering: Principles, Technology, and Sustainability00000
CIVE 2341Lab for CIVE 234000000
CIVE 3425Steel Structure Design00000
CIVE 3464Probability and Engineering Economy for Civil Engineering00000
CIVE 4535Lab for CIVE 453400000
CIVE 4542Foundation Engineering and Design00000
CIVE 1990Elective00000
CIVE 4767Senior Design Project—Structural00000
CIVE 4778Climate Adaptation and Policy Abroad00000
CIVE 4970Junior/Senior Honors Project 100000
CIVE 4990Elective00000
CIVE 4993Independent Study00000
CIVE 5250Organic Pollutants in the Environment00000
CIVE 5271Solid and Hazardous Waste Management00000
CIVE 3000Professional Issues in Engineering00000
CIVE 9991Dissertation Term 200000
CIVE 9986Research00000
CIVE 9984Research00000
CIVE 8986Research00000
CIVE 8960Exam Preparation—Doctoral00000
CIVE 7996Thesis Continuation00000
CIVE 7978Independent Study00000
CIVE 7962Elective00000
CIVE 7396Special Topics in Structural Engineering00000
CIVE 7392Special Topics in Environmental Engineering00000
CIVE 7388Special Topics in Civil Engineering00000
CIVE 7381Transportation Demand Forecasting and Model Estimation00000
CIVE 7355Advanced Bridge Design00000
CIVE 7351Behavior of Steel Structures00000
CIVE 7341Structural Reliability00000