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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDUC 1990Elective00000
EDUC 4530Race and Urban Education00000
EDUC 4990Elective00000
EDUC 5570Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity00000
EDUC 2990Elective00000
EDUC 4850Teaching Practicum00000
EDUC 5503Culture, Equity, Power, and Influence00000
EDUC 1111Education in the Community00000
EDUC 3990Elective00000
EDUC 4851Teaching Seminar00000
EDUC 5504Child and Adolescent Development, Learning, and Teaching00000
EDUC 4552Inquiry In The Humanities And Social Sciences At The Element...00000
EDUC 1112Field Experience00000
EDUC 4567Literacy Development And Instruction00000
EDUC 4570Inclusion, Equity, And Diversity00000
EDUC 3521Field Experience00000