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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EECE 2000Introduction to Engineering Co-op Education00000
EECE 2161Lab For Eece 216000000
EECE 6000Introduction To Cooperative Education00000
EECE 7298Magnetic Materials—Fundamentals And Measurements00000
EECE 7440Electrical and Computer Engineering Leadership Challenge Pro...00000
EECE 2140Computing Fundamentals for Engineers00000
EECE 3000Professional Issues in Engineering00000
EECE 6964Co-op Work Experience00000
EECE 7329St: Ulta-Wide Area Pow Systems00000
EECE 7442Electrical and Computer Engineering Leadership Challenge Pro...00000
EECE 1990Elective00000
EECE 2211Lab for EECE 221000000
EECE 2413Lab for EECE 241200000
EECE 2560Fundamentals of Engineering Algorithms00000
EECE 2990Elective00000
EECE 3410Electronic Design00000
EECE 4520Software Engineering 100000
EECE 4542Advanced Engineering Algorithms00000
EECE 4622Parallel and Distributed Processing00000
EECE 4638Special Topics in Computer Engineering00000
EECE 4688Statistical Inference: An Introduction for Engineers and Data Analysts00000
EECE 4949Research Laboratory Project00000
EECE 4992Directed Study00000
EECE 5170Introduction to Multiferroics Materials and Systems00000
EECE 5554Robotics Sensing and Navigation00000
EECE 5606Micro- and Nanofabrication00000
EECE 5627Arithmetic and Circuit Design for Inexact Computing with Nanoscaled CMOS00000
EECE 5641Introduction to Software Security00000
EECE 5645Parallel Processing for Data Analytics00000
EECE 5652Microwave Circuits and Networks00000
EECE 5684Power Electronics00000
EECE 5697Acoustics and Sensing00000
EECE 7150Autonomous Field Robotics00000
EECE 7203Complex Variable Theory and Differential Equations00000
EECE 7214Optimal and Robust Control00000
EECE 7237Special Topics in Power Electronics00000
EECE 7244Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)00000
EECE 7250Power Management Integrated Circuits00000
EECE 7271Computational Methods in Electromagnetics00000
EECE 7293Modern Imaging00000
EECE 7311Two Dimensional Signal and Image Processing00000
EECE 7337Information Theory00000
EECE 7352Computer Architecture00000
EECE 7370Advanced Computer Vision00000
EECE 7377Scalable and Sustainable System Design00000
EECE 7398Special Topics00000
EECE 7990Thesis00000
EECE 9991Dissertation Term 200000
EECE 2150Circuits and Signals: Biomedical Applications00000
EECE 2323Lab for EECE 232200000
EECE 2530Fundamentals of Electromagnetics00000
EECE 3324Computer Architecture and Organization00000
EECE 3990Elective00000
EECE 4534Microprocessor-Based Design00000
EECE 4574Wireless Communication Circuits00000
EECE 4630Robotics00000
EECE 4646Optics for Engineers00000
EECE 4990Elective00000
EECE 5155Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things00000
EECE 5550Mobile Robotics00000
EECE 5580Classical Control Systems00000
EECE 5612Statistical Inference: An Introduction for Engineers and Data Analysts00000
EECE 5639Computer Vision00000
EECE 5643Simulation and Performance Evaluation00000
EECE 5648Biomedical Optics00000
EECE 5680Electric Drives00000
EECE 5685Lab for EECE 568400000
EECE 6962Elective00000
EECE 7201Solid State Devices00000
EECE 7204Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes00000
EECE 7213System Identification and Adaptive Control00000
EECE 7228Advanced Power Electronics00000
EECE 7242Integrated Circuits for Mixed Signals and Data Communication00000
EECE 7248Lab for EECE 724000000
EECE 7263Humanoid Robotics00000
EECE 7275Antennas and Radiation00000
EECE 7296Electronic Materials00000
EECE 7312Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing00000
EECE 7345Big Data and Sparsity in Control, Machine Learning, and Optimization00000
EECE 7364Mobile and Wireless Networking00000
EECE 7376Operating Systems: Interface and Implementation00000
EECE 7397Advanced Machine Learning00000
EECE 7674Master’s Project00000
EECE 7996Thesis Continuation00000
EECE 9986Research00000
EECE 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
EECE 2210Electrical Engineering00000
EECE 2300Computational Methods for Data Analytics00000
EECE 2520Fundamentals of Linear Systems00000
EECE 2540Fundamentals of Networks00000
EECE 2949Introductory Directed Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering00000
EECE 3468Noise and Stochastic Processes00000
EECE 4524VLSI Design00000
EECE 4572Communications Systems00000
EECE 4626Image Processing and Pattern Recognition00000
EECE 4642Antennas00000
EECE 4694Numerical Methods and Computer Applications00000
EECE 4790Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone 100000
EECE 5115Dynamical Systems in Biological Engineering00000
EECE 5360Combinatorial Optimization00000
EECE 5576Wireless Communication Systems00000
EECE 5610Digital Control Systems00000
EECE 5638Compilers for Modern Computer Architectures00000
EECE 5642Data Visualization00000
EECE 5647Nanophotonics00000
EECE 5666Digital Signal Processing00000
EECE 5682Power Systems Analysis 100000
EECE 5688Analysis of Unbalanced Power Grids00000
EECE 7105Optics for Engineers00000
EECE 7200Linear Systems Analysis00000
EECE 7205Fundamentals of Computer Engineering00000
EECE 7224Power Systems State Estimation00000
EECE 7240Analog Integrated Circuit Design00000
EECE 7247Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design00000
EECE 7270Electromagnetic Theory 200000
EECE 7297Advanced Magnetic Materials—Magnetic Devices00000
EECE 7336Digital Communications00000
EECE 7353VLSI Design00000
EECE 7374Fundamentals of Computer Networks00000
EECE 7393Analysis and Design of Data Networks00000
EECE 7400Special Problems in Electrical and Computer Engineering00000
EECE 8986Research00000
EECE 9990Dissertation Term 100000
EECE 2160Embedded Design: Enabling Robotics00000
EECE 2322Fundamentals of Digital Design and Computer Organization00000
EECE 2412Fundamentals of Electronics00000
EECE 2531Lab for EECE 253000000
EECE 2750Enabling Engineering00000
EECE 3392Electronic Materials00000
EECE 4512Healthcare Technologies: Sensors, Systems, and Analysis00000
EECE 4525Lab for EECE 452400000
EECE 4535Lab for EECE 453400000
EECE 4604Integrated Circuit Devices00000
EECE 4632Hardware-Software Codesign for FPGA-Based Systems00000
EECE 4649Biomedical Imaging00000
EECE 4792Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone 200000
EECE 4991Research00000
EECE 4993Independent Study00000
EECE 5161Thin Film Technologies00000
EECE 5552Assistive Robotics00000
EECE 5581Lab for EECE 558000000
EECE 5626Image Processing and Pattern Recognition00000
EECE 5640High-Performance Computing00000
EECE 5644Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition00000
EECE 5649Design of Analog Integrated Circuits with Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Technology00000
EECE 5681Lab for EECE 568000000
EECE 5686Electrical Machines00000
EECE 5698Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering00000
EECE 7202Electromagnetic Theory 100000
EECE 7211Nonlinear Control00000
EECE 7226Modeling and Simulation of Power System Transients00000
EECE 7245Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Communication00000
EECE 7258Human Sensing and Recognition00000
EECE 7284Optical Properties of Matter00000
EECE 7310Modern Signal Processing00000
EECE 7323Numerical Optimization Methods00000
EECE 7346Probabilistic System Modeling and Analysis00000
EECE 7368High-Level Design of Hardware-Software Systems00000
EECE 7390Computer Hardware Security00000
EECE 7399Preparing High-Stakes Written and Oral Materials00000
EECE 7962Elective00000
EECE 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
EECE 2151Lab For Eece 215000000
EECE 5664Biomedical Signal Processing00000
EECE 6965Co-op Work Experience Abroad00000
EECE 7360Combinatorial Optimization00000