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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ENGL 2695Travel and Place-Based Writing00000
ENGL 2360Modern African-American Literature00000
ENGL 2420Contemporary Poetry00000
ENGL 2450Postcolonial Literature00000
ENGL 2455American Women Writers & Race00000
ENGL 2460Multiethnic Literatures of the U00000
ENGL 2510Horror Fiction00000
ENGL 2600Irish Literary Culture (Abroad)00000
ENGL 2620What Is Nature? (Abroad)00000
ENGL 2301The Graphic Novel00000
ENGL 2710Style and Editing00000
ENGL 2760Writing in Global Contexts00000
ENGL 2780Visual Writing: Writing Visuals00000
ENGL 2990Elective00000
ENGL 2995Practicum00000
ENGL 3325Rhetoric of Law00000
ENGL 3375Writing Boston00000
ENGL 3377Poetry Workshop00000
ENGL 2440The Modern Bestseller00000
ENGL 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
ENGL 1120Trouble in Utopia00000
ENGL 1410Introduction to Writing Studies00000
ENGL 1502American Literature to 186500000
ENGL 1700Global Literature to 150000000
ENGL 224017th-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 2296Early African-American Literature00000
ENGL 2362Modern and Contemporary African-American Literature00000
ENGL 3380Topics in Writing00000
ENGL 1000English at Northeastern00000
ENGL 1160Introduction to Rhetoric00000
ENGL 1400Introduction to Literary Studies00000
ENGL 1500British Literature to 180000000
ENGL 1600Introduction to Shakespeare00000
ENGL 2150Literature and Digital Diversity00000
ENGL 2270Victorian Literature00000
ENGL 7392Writing and the Teaching of Writing00000
ENGL 5976Directed Study00000
ENGL 6962Elective00000
ENGL 7000Qualifying Exam00000
ENGL 7244African-American Novel00000
ENGL 7282Topics in Renaissance Literature00000
ENGL 7342Topics in Criticism00000
ENGL 7358Topics in Literature and other Disciplines00000
ENGL 7370Introduction to Digital Humanities00000
ENGL 4993Independent Study00000
ENGL 7962Elective00000
ENGL 7990Thesis00000
ENGL 7996Thesis Continuation00000
ENGL 2260Romantic Poetry00000
ENGL 2650Science Writing00000
ENGL 316120th- and 21st-Century Literatures00000
ENGL 4100Toplitcrit:Queertheorylitfilm00000
ENGL 7214St:19Cam/Emerson,Thoreau,Fulle00000
ENGL 373020th- and 21st-Century Major Figure00000
ENGL 3382Publishing in the 21st Century00000
ENGL 3404African American Rhetorical Traditions00000
ENGL 3458Topics in Language00000
ENGL 3572Fantasy Literature00000
ENGL 3618Milton00000
ENGL 3663The African-American Novel00000
ENGL 3678Bedrooms and Battlefields: Hebrew Bible and the Origins of Sex, Gender, and Ethnicity00000
ENGL 3700Narrative Medicine00000
ENGL 9991Dissertation Term 200000
ENGL 4000Topics in Early Literatures00000
ENGL 4040Topics in 19th-Century Literatures00000
ENGL 4070Topics in Genre00000
ENGL 4400Opening the Archive00000
ENGL 4694Topics in Experiential Education00000
ENGL 4970Junior/Senior Honors Project 100000
ENGL 4990Elective00000
ENGL 2770Writing to Heal00000
ENGL 2430Contemporary Fiction00000
ENGL 2451Postcolonial Women Writers00000
ENGL 2470Asian-American Literature00000
ENGL 2520Science Fiction00000
ENGL 2610Contemporary Israeli Literature and Art (Abroad)00000
ENGL 2690Boston in Literature00000
ENGL 2700Creative Writing00000
ENGL 2740Writing and Community Engagement00000
ENGL 2380The Modern Novel00000
ENGL 2850Writing for Social Media: Theory and Practice00000
ENGL 2991Research Practicum00000
ENGL 3190Topics in 19th-Century American Literature00000
ENGL 3340Technologies of Text00000
ENGL 3370Writing Cultures00000
ENGL 3376Creative Nonfiction00000
ENGL 3378Fiction Workshop00000
ENGL 3381The Practice and Theory of Teaching Writing00000
ENGL 7213St:Earlyam/Print+Performance00000
ENGL 3150Topearlylit:Gendsexrenaissance00000
ENGL 3200Top20/21Cbritlit:Sexmoneynovel00000
ENGL 7211St:Amerlit/Litinpublicinterest00000
ENGL 1130Animals, Objects, Humans00000
ENGL 1701Global Literatures 200000
ENGL 2410Contemporary American Literature00000
ENGL 3160Top17/18C BritLit: Jane Austen00000
ENGL 3339Topcrit: Orality In Fiction00000
ENGL 3384The Writer’s Marketplace00000
ENGL 1140Grammar: The Architecture of English00000
ENGL 1300Introduction to Health and Humanities00000
ENGL 1450Reading and Writing in the Digital Age00000
ENGL 1503American Literature 1865 to Present00000
ENGL 1990Elective00000
ENGL 225018th-Century British Literature00000
ENGL 2330The American Renaissance00000
ENGL 7395Topics in Writing00000
ENGL 6960Exam Preparation—Master’s00000
ENGL 6964Co-op Work Experience00000
ENGL 7215Topics in 20th-Century American Literature00000
ENGL 7281Topics in Medieval Literature00000
ENGL 7284Topics in 18th-Century Literature00000
ENGL 7351Topics in Literary Study00000
ENGL 7360Topics in Rhetoric00000
ENGL 7380Topics in Digital Humanities00000
ENGL 5103Proseminar00000
ENGL 7976Directed Study00000
ENGL 8407Teaching Practicum00000
ENGL 8960Exam Preparation—Doctoral00000
ENGL 8986Research00000
ENGL 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
ENGL 9986Research00000
ENGL 9990Dissertation Term 100000
ENGL 3990Elective00000
ENGL 3426Literature and Politics00000
ENGL 3487Film and Text (Abroad)00000
ENGL 3582Children’s Literature00000
ENGL 3619Emerson and Thoreau00000
ENGL 3676Representing Gender and Sexuality in Literature00000
ENGL 3685Modern and Contemporary Jewish Literature00000
ENGL 372019th-Century Major Figure00000
ENGL 3900Gender and Black World Literatures00000
ENGL 2370The Modern Short Story00000
ENGL 4020Topics in 17th- and 18th-Century Literatures00000
ENGL 4060Topics in 20th- and 21st-Century Literatures00000
ENGL 4410Research in Rhetoric and Writing00000
ENGL 4710Capstone Seminar00000
ENGL 4720Capstone Project00000
ENGL 4971Junior/Senior Honors Project 200000
ENGL 4992Directed Study00000