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NEU Course Reviews

Northeastern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PSYC 1250Drugs and Behavior55551
PSYC 7996Thesis Continuation00000
PSYC 3451Learning Principles and Behavior Analysis00000
PSYC 3404Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 3400Personality00000
PSYC 3358Behavior Therapies00000
PSYC 2990Elective00000
PSYC 2320Statistics in Psychological Research00000
PSYC 2306Food, Behavior, and Eating Disorders00000
PSYC 2101Love and Hate: Social, Psychological, and Literary Approaches00000
PSYC 1210Sports Psychology00000
PSYC 9991Dissertation Term 200000
PSYC 9986Research00000
PSYC 8401Research Project00000
PSYC 3458Biological Psychology00000
PSYC 7990Thesis00000
PSYC 7270Seminar in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 7240Seminar in Biology of Behavior00000
PSYC 5181Quantitative Methods 200000
PSYC 5170Proseminar in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 5140Proseminar in Biology of Behavior00000
PSYC 5120Proseminar in Sensation00000
PSYC 5010Human Cognitive Processes00000
PSYC 4991Directed Study Research00000
PSYC 4970Junior/Senior Honors Project 100000
PSYC 4676Seminar in Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 4668Seminar in Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC 4678Seminar in Social and Affective Neuroscience00000
PSYC 6130Affective Computing00000
PSYC 9996Dissertation Continuation00000
PSYC 9000PhD Candidacy Achieved00000
PSYC 8402Special Topics in Psychology00000
PSYC 7301Research Methodologies Psychology00000
PSYC 6962Elective00000
PSYC 5180Quantitative Methods 100000
PSYC 5160Proseminar in Personality00000
PSYC 5130Proseminar in Perception00000
PSYC 5100Proseminar in Psycholinguistics00000
PSYC 4994Internship in Psychology00000
PSYC 4990Elective00000
PSYC 4664Seminar in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 4666Seminar in Clinical Psychology00000
PSYC 4662Seminar in Personality00000
PSYC 4656Seminar in Biological Psychology00000
PSYC 4626Laboratory in Life-Span Emotional Development00000
PSYC 4622Laboratory in Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC 4612Laboratory in Cognition00000
PSYC 4550Basic Principles of Magnetic Resonance Physics and Applications in Neuroscience00000
PSYC 4522Psychology of Reading00000
PSYC 4514Clinical Neuroscience00000
PSYC 4505Industrial/Organizational Psychology00000
PSYC 3508Behavioral Endocrinology00000
PSYC 3464Psychology of Language00000
PSYC 4628Laboratory in Developmental Psychology00000
PSYC 8400Research Lab00000
PSYC 7302Ethics and Professional Issues00000
PSYC 7300Advanced Quantitative Analysis00000
PSYC 7250Seminar in Clinical Neuroscience00000
PSYC 7210Seminar in Cognition00000
PSYC 5150Proseminar in Clinical Neuroscience00000
PSYC 5110Proseminar in Cognition00000
PSYC 4993Independent Study00000
PSYC 4971Junior/Senior Honors Project 200000
PSYC 4965Undergraduate Teaching Experience00000
PSYC 4674Seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience00000
PSYC 4660Seminar in Cognition00000
PSYC 8403Research Issues in Psychology00000
PSYC 4614Laboratory in Social Psychology00000
PSYC 4606Laboratory in Biological Psychology00000
PSYC 4570Behavioral Genetics00000
PSYC 4524Cognitive Development00000
PSYC 4520Language and the Brain00000
PSYC 4510Psychopharmacology00000
PSYC 3990Elective00000
PSYC 3506Neuropsychology of Fear00000
PSYC 3452Sensation and Perception00000
PSYC 1214The Moral Mind: The Science Underlying Ethical Decision-Making and Virtuous Character00000
PSYC 1101Foundations of Psychology00000
PSYC 4650Seminar In Clinical Case Study00000
PSYC 3406Abnormal Psychology00000
PSYC 4658Seminar in Psycholinguistics00000
PSYC 4654Seminar in Behavioral Modification00000
PSYC 4624Laboratory in Affective Science00000
PSYC 4616Laboratory in Personality00000
PSYC 4610Laboratory in Psycholinguistics00000
PSYC 4600Laboratory in Research Design00000
PSYC 4540Quantitative Topics in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience00000
PSYC 4512Neuropsychology00000
PSYC 4508Assessment and Data Collection in Applied Behavior Analysis00000
PSYC 3510Brain, Behavior, and Immunity00000
PSYC 3466Cognition00000
PSYC 3450Learning and Motivation00000
PSYC 4632Laboratory in Psychophysiology00000
PSYC 3402Social Psychology00000
PSYC 3200Clinical Neuroanatomy00000
PSYC 2370Cross-Cultural Psychology00000
PSYC 2315Statistics in Psychological Research Supplement00000
PSYC 2290Inquiries in Psychological Science00000
PSYC 1300Emotion00000
PSYC 1200Psychology of Women00000
PSYC 1990Elective00000
PSYC 1220Mind, Brain, and Expertise00000
PSYC 1208Psychology and the Law00000
PSYC 1000Psychology at Northeastern00000
PSYC 9990Dissertation Term 100000