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New Haven Course Reviews

University of New Haven

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 6710Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 3333Laboratory CHEM 333100000
CHEM 3350Chemistry Research00000
CHEM 4412Seminar00000
CHEM 4501Advanced Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4555Pharmacology00000
CHEM 4593Honors Thesis: Chemistry00000
CHEM 6601Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 6615Basics of Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 6635Chromatography and Separation Science00000
CHEM 6645Solid-State Chemistry00000
CHEM 6655Pharmacology00000
CHEM 6685Graduate Research Project00000
CHEM 6698Thesis I00000
CHEM 3300Chemistry Project00000
CHEM 1100Chemistry Recitation00000
CHEM 1106Laboratory CHEM 110500000
CHEM 1115General Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1118Laboratory CHEM 111600000
CHEM 2001Organic Chemistry I Workshop00000
CHEM 2202Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2211Quantitative Analysis w/Lab00000
CHEM 2222Laboratory CHEM 222100000
CHEM 3332Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 3341Synthetic Methods in Chemistry00000
CHEM 4455ST:Pharmacology00000
CHEM 4521Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 6607Modern Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 1111General Chemistry I Workshop00000
CHEM 1116General Chemistry II (Honors)00000
CHEM 1120General Chemistry II with Application to Biosystems00000
CHEM 2002Organic Chemistry II Workshop00000
CHEM 2203Laboratory CHEM 220100000
CHEM 2221Instrumental Methods W/Lab00000
CHEM 3331Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 3334Laboratory CHEM 333200000
CHEM 4411Chemical Literature00000
CHEM 4457St:Environmental Chemistry (H)00000
CHEM 4550Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 4592Thesis with Laboratory00000
CHEM 4599Independent Study00000
CHEM 1103Introduction To General Chemistry00000
CHEM 6631Advances in Analytic Chemistry00000
CHEM 6650Medicinal Chemistry I00000
CHEM 6682Graduate Seminar00000
CHEM 6688Graduate Internship00000
CHEM 6699Thesis II00000
CHEM 1105Introduction to General and Organic Chemistry with Laborator...00000
CHEM 1112General Chemistry II Workshop00000
CHEM 1117Laboratory CHEM 111500000
CHEM 1121Laboratory CHEM 112000000
CHEM 2201Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 2204Laboratory CHEM 220200000
CHEM 2212Laboratory CHEM 221100000