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New Mexico Tech Course Reviews

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MENG 382Jr. Eng. Design Clinic II45441
MENG 431Fluid & Thermal Systems42541
MENG 546DDetonation Theory00000
MENG 210LSoph Design & Measure Lab00000
MENG 595Dissertation00000
MENG 585VGraduate-Faculty Seminar00000
MENG 582Nondest Eval & Stru Health Mon00000
MENG 577Advanced Fluid Mechanics00000
MENG 561Digital Image Processing00000
MENG 556Compressible Fluid Flow00000
MENG 551DOptimal Control Systems00000
MENG 549DWave Propagation00000
MENG 341Technical Writing00000
MENG 544DModern Control Theory00000
MENG 520Fracture Mechanics00000
MENG 513Impact Dynamics00000
MENG 489DNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics00000
MENG 482Senior Engr Design Clinic II00000
MENG 441DDynam/Vibrat in Struc Design00000
MENG 421LFinite Elem Analy & Design Lab00000
MENG 405Dynamic Systems and Controls00000
MENG 305Numerical Methods and Analysis00000
MENG 545DIntroduction to Explosives Eng00000
MENG 585DGraduate-Faculty Seminar00000
MENG 581Directed Study00000
MENG 577DAdvanced Fluid Mechanics00000
MENG 572Sensor Technology00000
MENG 561DDigital Image Processing00000
MENG 556DCompressible Fluid Flow00000
MENG 552Explosives Technology & Apps00000
MENG 550Advanced Explosives Engr00000
MENG 547DTheory & Appl of Pyrotechnics00000
MENG 589Artificial Intelligence00000
MENG 541Vibrations Elastic Continuum00000
MENG 520DFracture Mechanics00000
MENG 515Theory of Elasticity00000
MENG 505Design and Analysis of Exp00000
MENG 500Directed Research00000
MENG 483LMechatronics Lab00000
MENG 451Design of Machine Elements00000
MENG 431LFluid and Thermal Systems Lab00000
MENG 405LDynamic Systems & Controls Lab00000
MENG 541DVibrations Elastic Continuum00000
MENG 583Eng Mech of Composite Struct00000
MENG 579Advanced Heat Transfer00000
MENG 575Advanced Engineering Math00000
MENG 567Smart Engineering Systems00000
MENG 558DNon-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics00000
MENG 552DExplosives Technology & Apps00000
MENG 551Optimal Control Systems00000
MENG 547Theory & Appl of Pyrotechnics00000
MENG 546Detonation Theory00000
MENG 589DBioinspiration & Biomimetics00000
MENG 517Adv Finite Element Method00000
MENG 515DTheory of Elasticity00000
MENG 504DAdv Mechanics of Materials00000
MENG 489Machining & Metalworking Tech00000
MENG 483Mechatronics00000
MENG 441Dynam/Vibrat in Struc Design00000
MENG 421Finite Elem Analysis & Design00000
MENG 352LInstrumentation & Measurem Lab00000
MENG 302LMechanics of Materials Laborat00000
MENG 545Introduction to Explosives Eng00000
MENG 110Intro. to Mechanical Eng.00000
MENG 585Graduate-Faculty Seminar00000
MENG 579DAdvanced Heat Transfer00000
MENG 575DAdvanced Engineering Math00000
MENG 567DSmart Engineering Systems00000
MENG 558Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics00000
MENG 555Shock Propagation in Air00000
MENG 550DAdvanced Explosives Engr00000
MENG 549Wave Propagation00000
MENG 210Sophomore Design&Measurements00000
MENG 513DImpact Dynamics00000
MENG 504Advanced Mechanics of Material00000
MENG 485Advanced Design Clinic00000
MENG 481Senior Engr Design Clinic I00000
MENG 408Cooperative Educ Work Phase00000
MENG 381Jr. Eng. Design Clinic I00000
MENG 304Advanced Strength of Materials00000
MENG 110LIntro to Mechanical Eng Lab00000
MENG 591Thesis00000