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NJIT Course Reviews

New Jersey Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BME 430Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering42441
BME 674Principles of Neuromuscular Engineering00000
BME 372Electronics of Medical Devices00000
BME 311Co-op Work Experience00000
BME 310Biomedical Computing00000
BME 301Electrical Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering00000
BME 101Introduction to Biomedical Engineering00000
BME 790DDoctoral Dissertation00000
BME 726Independent Study II00000
BME 700BMaster's Project00000
BME 687Medical Instrumentation00000
BME 679Advanced Design of Orthopedic Implants00000
BME 384Biomechanics Laboratory00000
BME 655Advanced Characterization of Biomaterials00000
BME 651Principles of Tissue Engineering00000
BME 593Graduate Co-op Work Experience IV00000
BME 496Capstone Design 200000
BME 492Research and Independent Study II00000
BME 478Introduction to CAD for Biomechanics00000
BME 451Biomechanics I00000
BME 386Biosensor and Data Acquisition Lab00000
BME 382Engineering Models of Physiological Systems00000
BME 668Medical Imaging Systems00000
BME 790Doctoral Dissertation00000
BME 790EDoctoral Dissertation00000
BME 788St:00000
BME 701CMaster's Thesis00000
BME 688Virtual Biomedical Instrument00000
BME 684Medical Device Development00000
BME 678Design of Orthopedic Implants00000
BME 675Computer Methods In Bme00000
BME 672Biomaterials00000
BME 304Material Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering00000
BME 656Research Skills in Stem Cell00000
BME 653Micro/Nano Tech Interfac Cells00000
BME 611Engineering Aspect of Molecular and Cellular Bio I00000
BME 590Graduate Co-Op Work Exper I00000
BME 494Honors Research Thesis II00000
BME 491Research and Independent Study I00000
BME 471Principles of Medical Imaging00000
BME 427Biotransport00000
BME 420Advanced Biomaterials Science00000
BME 654Cardiovascular Mechanics00000
BME 791Graduate Seminar00000
BME 790BDoctoral Dissertation00000
BME 790CDoctoral Dissertation00000
BME 725Independent Study I00000
BME 698ST: The Neural Prosthetics00000
BME 680Biomems Design & Applications00000
BME 676Computational Biomechanics00000
BME 673Biorobotics00000
BME 671Biomechanics of Human Structure and Motion00000
BME 661Neural Engineering00000
BME 210Processing Fund for Biol Signa00000
BME 650Clinical Physiology & Neurophy00000
BME 591Graduate Co-Op Work Exper II00000
BME 495Capstone Design I00000
BME 489Medical Instrumentation00000
BME 422Biomaterials Characterization00000
BME 385Cell and Biomaterial Engineering Laborarory00000
BME 373Biomedical Electronics II00000
BME 321Adv Mechanics for Biomed Engr00000
BME 302Mechanical Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering00000
BME 670Introduction to Biomechanical Engineering00000
BME 111Introduction to Physiology00000
BME 102Biomedical Engr Research Honors00000
BME 792Pre-Doctoral Research00000
BME 790FDoct Dissertation & Research00000
BME 790ADoctoral Dissertation00000
BME 760Modeling in Func Brain Imaging00000
BME 701BMaster's Thesis00000
BME 682System Mgmt for Medical Device00000
BME 677CAD for Biomechanics and Biomaterials00000
BME 333Biomedical Signals and Systems00000
BME 652Cellular and Molecular Tissue Engineering00000
BME 601Seminar00000
BME 498ST: Biomedical Thermodynamics00000
BME 493Honors Research Thesis I00000
BME 452Mechanical Behavior and Performance of Biomaterials00000
BME 411Co-op Work Experience00000
BME 383Measurement Lab for Physiological Systems and Tissue00000
BME 351Introduction to Biofluid Mechanics00000
BME 303Biological and Chemical Foundations of Biomedical Engineerin...00000