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NMSU Course Reviews

New Mexico State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFST 1110GIntroduction to Africana Studies54551
ANSC 1130Western Equitation I53541
GNDR 512Advanced Gender and Film Studies53541
CHEM 111GGeneral Chemistry I32241
AGE 311Financial Futures Mkt00000
ANSC 509Endocrnlgy-Dom Anmls00000
ANSC 2340Genetics In Animal Science00000
ANTH 419Topics in Prehistoric Archaeology: POTTERY ANALYSIS00000
AEEC 590SPECIAL TOPICS: Advanced Food and Agribusiness Financial Man...00000
AGRO 315Crop Physiology00000
ANTH 519Advanced Topics in Prehistoric Archaeology: POTTERY ANALYSIS00000
ANSC 423Animal Breeding00000
AERT 255Sptop: Drone Operation/Safety00000
ANSC 625Nutrient Metabolism I: Mineral, Vitamin, and Nitrogen Metabo...00000
AEEC 470Real Estate Appraisal00000
ANTH 315Intrdn-Archaeology00000
AGE 445VAgricultural Policy00000
ANTH 467Arch Of Amer Southwest00000
AE 419Propulsion00000
AEEC 599Master's Thesis00000
ANTH 544Adv Native Amvisual Culture00000
AGRO 590Graduate Seminar00000
AGRO 625Scientific Writing00000
AE 564Adv Flight Dynamics Cntrl00000
AEEC 2996Special Topics00000
AGRO 2160Plant Propagation00000
ANSC 390Internship00000
AERT 213Aerospace Fluid Sys00000
ANSC 458Livestock Behavior, Welfare00000
AEEC 425Food & Agribus Fin Mgmt00000
ANSC 588Eq Nut & Ex Phys00000
AGE 236Prncpls Of Food & Agribus Mgt00000
ANSC 1160Intro To Horse Science00000
ACES 1210Fin Fitness-College Students00000
ANTH 130GLHuman's Place Lab00000
AGE 350Sprdsheet Appl In Fod & Agric00000
ANTH 375Pottery Analysis in Archaeology00000
AEEC 522Public Sector Econ I00000
ANTH 453Native American Women00000
AGRO 100GIntro Plant Science00000
ANTH 505Iss-Anthrplgcl Prct00000
ACCT 544Fin Stmt Analysis & Val00000
ANTH 538Plants, Cult, Sust Dev00000
AGRO 483Sustainable Crop Prod.00000
ANTH 574Adv Human Osteo00000
AE 447Aerofluids Laboratory00000
AGRO 597University Teaching Experience00000
AEEC 2120Intro To Food & Ag Bus Account00000
AGRO 697University Teaching Experience00000
ACCT 570Partnership Taxation00000
AERO 121Heritage And Values00000
AHS 153Intro Antmy/Physlgy I00000
AHS 250Spanish For Health00000
ANSC 100HIntrdy Animal Science Hon00000
AEEC 300Internship00000
AERO 222Team & Leadership Fund II00000
ANSC 190Wstrn Equitation I00000
ANSC 321Adv Eq Bhvr Trng00000
AERT 122Aerospace Sfty/Quality00000
ANSC 402Animal Science Smnr00000
AEEC 400Senior Seminar00000
ANSC 427Dairy Production00000
AERT 222Electromechanical Sys00000
ANSC 484Ruminant Nutrition00000
ACES 199Academic Excellence00000
ANSC 521Adv Nutr Mgmt Cow/Ca00000
AGE 101Careers In Food & Agribus Mgt00000
ANSC 604Pituitary Endocrinol00000
AEEC 452Food & Agribus Mktg Plan Devlp00000
ANSC 1120Intro To Animal Science00000
AGE 300Internship00000
ANSC 2130Western Equitation II00000
ACCT 498Independent Study00000
ANTH 120GHuman Ancestors00000
AGE 315VWrld Ag & Food Prblms00000
ANTH 307VJapanese Culture And Society00000
AEEC 502Macroeconomic Theory00000
ANTH 345Intro To Museology00000
AGE 420Special Problems00000
ANTH 389Arch Mapping00000
AE 362Orbital Mechanics00000
ANTH 436Evolutionary Medicine00000
AGE 456Case Studies/Food/Agribus Mgt00000
ANTH 458Fertility, Reproduction and Birth00000
AEEC 551Adv Agribus Mktg00000
ANTH 486Community Service Learning00000
AGRO 300Special Topics00000
ANTH 512Quantitative Analytical Methods in Anthropology00000
ACCT 351Accounting Systems00000
ANTH 531Iss-Nutritional Anth00000
AGRO 449Special Problems00000
ANTH 542Cultural Resource Managment II00000
AEEC 595Internship00000
ANSC 220Ansc Career Development00000
AERO 401Nat Sec Lead Resp/Commiss Prep00000
ANSC 288Horse Fitting/Selling00000
ANSC 303Lvstck, Meat & Wool Ev00000
AGRO 505Research Orientation00000
ACCT 221Princ Of Acct I (Financial)00000
ACCT 456Acctg-Non Profit Orgn00000