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NMSU Course Reviews

New Mexico State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AEEC 384VWater Resources Econ00000
AEEC 540Econometrics I00000
AEEC 550Advanced Microcomputer Applications in Agriculture00000
AEEC 575Econ Of Water Rsrce Mgt & Plcy00000
AEEC 593Internship00000
AEEC 596Individual Study00000
AEEC 599Master's Thesis00000
AEEC 2110Princ Of Food & Ag Bus Mgmt00000
AEEC 2140Tech And Comm For Business Mgm00000
AEEC 300Internship00000
AEEC 314Agric & Natrl Resrce Law00000
AEEC 340Econ Of Food & Agric Mkts00000
AEEC 511Adv Fut & Opt Mkts00000
AEEC 420Special Problems00000
AEEC 451Food/Agbus Mkt Assesmnt00000
AEEC 470Real Estate Appraisal00000
AEEC 502Macroeconomic Theory00000
AEEC 522Public Sector Econ I00000
AEEC 551Adv Agribus Mktg00000
AEEC 585Production Economics00000
AEEC 594Internship00000
AEEC 597Non-Thesis Rsrch Proj00000
AEEC 1120Careers In Food & Ag Business00000
AEEC 2130GSurvey Of Food & Ag Issues00000
AEEC 595Internship00000
AEEC 337VNatural Rsrce Econs00000
AEEC 350Spreadsheet Applications in Food and Agriculture00000
AEEC 385App Production Econ00000
AEEC 425Food & Agribus Fin Mgmt00000
AEEC 452Food & Agribus Mktg Plan Devlp00000
AEEC 458Econ Of Making/Mktg Wine00000
AEEC 501Microeconomic Theory00000
AEEC 520Intl Ag Trade/Plcy00000
AEEC 545Adv Agrcltrl Policy00000
AEEC 556Adv Agribusiness Mgt00000
AEEC 590SPECIAL TOPICS: Advanced Food and Agribusiness Financial Man...00000
AEEC 313Food And Agricultural Sales00000
AEEC 598Crtv Cmpnt Proj00000
AEEC 1110Intro To Ag Econ & Business00000
AEEC 2120Intro To Food & Ag Bus Account00000
AEEC 2996Special Topics00000
AEEC 311Financial Derivative Mkt00000
AEEC 315VWrld Ag & Food Prblms00000
AEEC 342Economic Analysis of Food and Agribusiness00000
AEEC 400Senior Seminar00000
AEEC 445VAgricultural Policy00000
AEEC 456Case Studies/Food/Agribus Mgt00000
AEEC 499Senior Thesis00000