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NMU Course Reviews

Northern Michigan University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BI 312Genetics11111
BI 310Ecology Theory and Methods00000
BI 419HBiology of Cancer00000
BI 418Molecular Biology00000
BI 417HComp Vertebrate Neuroanatomy00000
BI 411Limnology00000
BI 406Advanced Cell Biology00000
BI 402Microbial Ecology00000
BI 390Fld Exp: Taxonomy/Wetland Plts00000
BI 327Animal Physiology00000
BI 321Embryology00000
BI 314Introduction to Marine Biology00000
BI 424Entomology00000
BI 305Ecology North Forest00000
BI 298DS: Medical Microbiology Lab00000
BI 295XFLSA:ST-Fish/Forest Res/Amazon00000
BI 290Fisheries and Wildlife Seminar00000
BI 240Conservation Biology00000
BI 230Plant Kingdom00000
BI 221Comparative Anatomy00000
BI 215Principles of Evolution00000
BI 208Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
BI 203AMedical Microbiology00000
BI 202Human Physiology00000
BI 469Wildlife/Fish Popultn Analysis00000
BI 599AThesis In Biology00000
BI 597Research00000
BI 595AST: Foundations of Ecology00000
BI 589Research In Biology00000
BI 519WEB: Bioinformatics00000
BI 516Bio Systems Analysis00000
BI 502Scientific Lab Instruction00000
BI 499Internship00000
BI 495AST: Foundations of Ecology00000
BI 495XFLSA:ST-Fish/Forest Res/Amazon00000
BI 489Grad Assessment-Biology Majors00000
BI 423Parasitology00000
BI 466WEB: Stream Ecology00000
BI 463Mammalogy00000
BI 461Herpetology00000
BI 443Aquaculture00000
BI 441Fisheries Management00000
BI 434Plant Ecology00000
BI 433Boreal Flora00000
BI 428Behavioral Ecology00000
BI 426Human Histology00000
BI 111Intro Biology: Principles00000
BI 303General Microbiology00000
BI 419Biology Of Cancer00000
BI 417Comp Vertebrate Neuroanatomy00000
BI 412Biostatistics00000
BI 410WEB:Ecology Of The Great Lakes00000
BI 405Immunology00000
BI 404Virology00000
BI 391Lab Ex: Sm Mammal Necropsies00000
BI 333Genetics for Natural Resources00000
BI 324Invertebrate Zoology00000
BI 322Vertebrate Zoology00000
BI 312HGenetics00000
BI 420Neuroscience00000
BI 296ST: Success in A&P 100000
BI 295ST: Mycology00000
BI 288Res: Parasite Diversity00000
BI 234Field Mycology00000
BI 229Field Marine Biology00000
BI 218Intro To Cell & Molecular Bio00000
BI 210Princ Of Ecology00000
BI 207Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
BI 203Medical Microbiology00000
BI 112Intro Biology: Diversity00000
BI 491Seminar: Animal Behavior00000
BI 100Biological Science00000
BI 598DS: Larval Fish Est. II00000
BI 595ST:Data Manipulatn/Visualizatn00000
BI 590Graduate Sem-Animal Behavior00000
BI 520Systematics00000
BI 517Population Ecology00000
BI 514Population Genetics00000
BI 500Plan/Proposing Scientific Res00000
BI 498DS: Foundations of Ecology00000
BI 495ST:Data Manipulatn/Visualizatn00000
BI 104Human Anatomy & Physiology00000
BI 488Adv Res: Hanta Virus Research00000
BI 467Fish Ecology00000
BI 465Aquatic Insect Ecology00000
BI 462Ornithology00000
BI 460Ichthyology00000
BI 446WEB: Genomics00000
BI 442Wildlife Management00000
BI 431Plant Physiology00000
BI 427Ecological Animal Physiology00000
BI 425Endocrinology00000