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NYU Course Reviews

New York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AHSEMUA 186Narrating Poverty in Brazilian Literature and Film00000
AHSEMUA 257Religious Skepticism from Ancient Greece to Medieval Islam00000
AHSEMUA 254Latin American Cinema: Gender in Film00000
AHSEMUA 250History of Politics in Eastern Europe00000
AHSEMUA 245Suffering and Comfort: Explorations in Narrative Medicine00000
AHSEMUA 228Disability Studies and Latin@ American Literature00000
AHSEMUA 253The Irish Renaissance: Literary Culture and Anti-Colonial Re...00000
AHSEMUA 249Language and Power in Colonial and Postcolonial Latin Americ...00000
AHSEMUA 247Assessing Epidemiological Literature00000
AHSEMUA 236Knights, Ladies, and Chivalry00000
AHSEMUA 204Making History: Culture and Politics in the Caribbean00000
AHSEMUA 258The Crisis of Europe00000
AHSEMUA 252The World We Made: Human Responses to Climate Change from th...00000
AHSEMUA 246Global Diaspora: The Irish Case00000
AHSEMUA 235History and the Novel00000
AHSEMUA 259Metapatterns and Big History00000
AHSEMUA 255Anthropoc[S]cenes: Performing Climate Chaos00000
AHSEMUA 251Democracy, Dictatorship, and Civil War in Modern Mediterrane...00000
AHSEMUA 248Performing Beyond the Human: Animals, Ecology, Theatre00000
AHSEMUA 237Game Theory and the Humanities00000