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NYU Course Reviews

New York University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTHUA 9065Ancient Israel: History & Archaeology00000
ANTHUA 201Animal Domestication: Horses, Donkeys, Dogs, and Cats00000
ANTHUA 123Media, Culture, and Society00000
ANTHUA 113Disability Worlds: Anthropological Perspectives00000
ANTHUA 90Human Ecology00000
ANTHUA 60Archaeological Evidence for Human Evolution00000
ANTHUA 53Human Genetics00000
ANTHUA 35Medical Anthropology00000
ANTHUA 3Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTHUA 9901Urban Ethnography00000
ANTHUA 9252Contemporary Perspectives on the Civil War and the 'Recovery...00000
ANTHUA 9075Immigration00000
ANTHUA 211Early Cities and States00000
ANTHUA 9038Anthropology of Indigenous Art-An Analytical Survey00000
ANTHUA 980Internship00000
ANTHUA 703Islam in the World00000
ANTHUA 603Popular Culture in Latin America00000
ANTHUA 495Urban Greening Lab: New York00000
ANTHUA 400Transnationalism00000
ANTHUA 111Populism, Religion, and Crisis in Europe00000
ANTHUA 82The Social Life of Museums00000
ANTHUA 59Primate Communication00000
ANTHUA 50Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution00000
ANTHUA 747Introduction to Native American Studies00000
ANTHUA 217Barbarian Europe00000
ANTHUA 800Special Topics:00000
ANTHUA 51Evolution and Human Variation00000
ANTHUA 227Not Just Rome: New Archaeologies of Empire00000
ANTHUA 9900Anthropological Perspectives on Multicultural France00000
ANTHUA 9200From "Gypsies" to "Roma": Ethnic Politics in a Global Prague00000
ANTHUA 9076Transnational Migration00000
ANTHUA 9072What is Islam?00000
ANTHUA 9062Environmental Social Movements00000
ANTHUA 9037Anthropology of Indigenous Australia00000
ANTHUA 997Independent Study00000
ANTHUA 32Conversations in Everyday Life00000
ANTHUA 608Last Hunters-First Farmers00000
ANTHUA 501Approaches to Latinx Studies00000
ANTHUA 401Topical Sem:00000
ANTHUA 330Gender, Violence, and The Law00000
ANTHUA 322Anthropology of Cities00000
ANTHUA 321Topical Seminar in Social and Cultural Anthropology II00000
ANTHUA 232Ethnicity & The Media00000
ANTHUA 226The Archaeology of Climate Change00000
ANTHUA 220Religion and Media00000
ANTHUA 214Topics in Anthropology00000
ANTHUA 213Current Topics in Arch:00000
ANTHUA 649Monsters and Their Humans00000
ANTHUA 636Gods and Profits: Religion and Capitalism00000
ANTHUA 533Latinx Art & Visual Culture00000
ANTHUA 490Urban Political Ecology00000
ANTHUA 351Belief and Social Life in China00000
ANTHUA 327Introduction to Bioarchaeology00000
ANTHUA 323Race and Caste00000
ANTHUA 320Topical Seminar in Social and Cultural Anthropology I00000
ANTHUA 315Nationalism00000
ANTHUA 225Discovering Archaeology in NYC00000
ANTHUA 216Surveys of Regional Prehistory II:00000
ANTHUA 951Honors Research II00000
ANTHUA 210Prehistoric Hunters and Gatherers00000
ANTHUA 200Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England00000
ANTHUA 122Culture, Power, and Visual Representation00000
ANTHUA 112Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality00000
ANTHUA 105Ethnographies of Asia00000
ANTHUA 80Emerging Diseases00000
ANTHUA 56Comparative Biology of The Living Primates00000
ANTHUA 48Cultural Symbols00000
ANTHUA 17Language, Culture, and Society00000
ANTHUA 11Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion00000
ANTHUA 326Introduction to Forensic Anthropology00000
ANTHUA 2Human Evolution00000
ANTHUA 9495Urban Greening Lab:00000
ANTHUA 9100Culture, Identity and Politics in Latin America00000
ANTHUA 9071International Perspectives on Human Rights00000
ANTHUA 9060Australia's Animals and Environment00000
ANTHUA 981Internship00000
ANTHUA 950Honors Research I00000
ANTHUA 609Migration, Mobility, and Dispersal in Prehistory00000
ANTHUA 511Topical Seminar in Biological Anthropology I00000
ANTHUA 410The Social Life of Food00000
ANTHUA 331Human Rights & Culture00000
ANTHUA 1Culture, Power, Society00000
ANTHUA 319Topics in Social and Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTHUA 62Primate Sexuality00000
ANTHUA 54Primate Behavioral Ecology00000
ANTHUA 36Global Biocultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Public H...00000
ANTHUA 16Language, Power, Identity00000
ANTHUA 9255Migration and Cultural Diversity in Spain: Anthropological A...00000
ANTHUA 9077The Politics of Organized Crime00000
ANTHUA 9067Languages of Israel00000
ANTHUA 9061Climate Change00000
ANTHUA 998Independent Study00000