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ODU Course Reviews

Old Dominion University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 105NIntroductory Chemistry00000
CHEM 108NIntroductory Organic and Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 122NFoundations of Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHEM 123NFoundations of Chemistry II Lecture00000
CHEM 137NAdvanced General Chemistry I And II Lecture00000
CHEM 173TNutritional Biochemistry00000
CHEM 212Organic Chemistry I Laboratory00000
CHEM 216Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 332WExperimental Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 339TThe Chemistry of the Environment00000
CHEM 365Undergraduate Teaching Experience00000
CHEM 421Instrumental Analysis00000
CHEM 441Biochemistry Lecture00000
CHEM 449Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 485Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar00000
CHEM 495Tpc:Spectroscopy In Astronomy00000
CHEM 499Senior Thesis II00000
CHEM 522Instrumental Analysis Laboratory00000
CHEM 543Intermediate Biochemistry00000
CHEM 670Graduate Orientation00000
CHEM 699Masters Thesis00000
CHEM 724Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 734Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 740Coordination and Transition Metal Chemistry00000
CHEM 744NMR Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 758Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CHEM 765Advanced Biochemistry00000
CHEM 790Master's Seminar00000
CHEM 795Tpcs: Spec of Atmospheres00000
CHEM 814Biomedical Sciences Laboratory00000
CHEM 825Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 836Introduction to Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 843Organic Geochemistry00000
CHEM 858Atmospheric Chemistry00000
CHEM 865Advanced Biochemistry00000
CHEM 890Chemistry Seminar00000
CHEM 898Doctoral Research00000
CHEM 103Preparatory Chemistry00000
CHEM 121NFoundations of Chemistry I Lecture00000
CHEM 124NFoundations of Chemistry II Laboratory00000
CHEM 138NAdvanced General Chemistry I And II Laboratory00000
CHEM 175TNeurotechnology00000
CHEM 213Organic Chemistry II Lecture00000
CHEM 321Analytical Chemistry Lecture00000
CHEM 334WExprmntl Physical Chem II Lab00000
CHEM 352Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 369Chemistry Practicum00000
CHEM 422Instrumental Analysis Laboratory00000
CHEM 442WBiochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 451Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 490Senior Thesis I00000
CHEM 497Independent Study00000
CHEM 515Intermediate Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 541Biochemistry Lecture00000
CHEM 549Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 695Tpcs: Understanding Nmr Spe00000
CHEM 701Advanced Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 725Physical Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 736Introduction to Organic Synthesis00000
CHEM 743Organic Geochemistry00000
CHEM 754Quantum Chemistry00000
CHEM 762Advanced Techniques in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 769Nucleic Acids Biochemistry00000
CHEM 791Master's Seminar00000
CHEM 801Advanced Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 815Biomedical Sciences Laboratory00000
CHEM 824Bioinorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 834Organic Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 842Advanced Mass Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 844NMR Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 862Advanced Techniques in Biochemistry00000
CHEM 869Nucleic Acids Biochemistry00000
CHEM 891Doctoral Seminar00000
CHEM 899Dissertation00000
CHEM 106NIntroductory Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 107NIntroductory Organic and Biochemistry00000
CHEM 120Foundations of Chemistry I Laboratory for Online Degree Prog...00000
CHEM 125Foundations of Chemistry II Lab with Introduction to Chemica...00000
CHEM 171TInfluence of Polymers on Society00000
CHEM 211Organic Chemistry I Lecture00000
CHEM 214Organic Chemistry II Laboratory00000
CHEM 322Analytical Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 331Physical Chemistry Lecture I00000
CHEM 333Physical Chemistry Lecture II00000
CHEM 351Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 415Intermediate Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 439Introduction To Pharmaceutical Chemistry00000
CHEM 443Intermediate Biochemistry00000
CHEM 468Research Methods in Mathematics and Science00000
CHEM 494Entrepreneurship in Chemistry and Biochemistry00000
CHEM 498Independent Study00000
CHEM 521Instrumental Analysis Lecture00000
CHEM 542Biochemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 551Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 698Masters Research00000
CHEM 723Modern Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 726Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 742Advanced Mass Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 755Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 763Mechanisms of Sensing and Signal Transduction00000
CHEM 779Kinetics and Thermodynamics00000
CHEM 813Biomedical Sciences Laboratory00000
CHEM 823Modern Synthetic Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 826Medicinal Chemistry00000
CHEM 840Coordination and Transition Metal Chemistry00000
CHEM 855Computational Chemistry00000
CHEM 863Mechanisms in Sensing and Signal Transduction00000
CHEM 868Internship Chemistry & Biochemistry00000
CHEM 895Tpcs: Organometallics00000