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ODU Course Reviews

Old Dominion University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CS 115Introduction to Computer Science with Python00000
CS 126GHonors: Introduction to Information Literacy and Research00000
CS 150Problem Solving and Programming I00000
CS 202GInformation Literacy for Cybersecurity00000
CS 270Introduction to Computer Architecture II00000
CS 315Computer Science Undergraduate Colloquium00000
CS 334Computer Architecture Fundamentals00000
CS 361Data Structures and Algorithms00000
CS 381Introduction to Discrete Structures00000
CS 478Computational Geometry, Methods and Applications00000
CS 497Independent Study in Computer Science00000
CS 510Professional Workforce Development I00000
CS 522Introduction to Machine Learning00000
CS 541App Development for Smart Devices00000
CS 562Cybersecurity Fundamentals00000
CS 565Information Assurance for Cybersecurity00000
CS 580Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 597Independent Study in Computer Science00000
CS 620Introduction to Data Science and Analytics00000
CS 665Computer Architecture00000
CS 762Memory Analysis and Forensics00000
CS 772Network Security: Concepts, Protocols And Programming00000
CS 779Design Of Network Protocols00000
CS 795Tpcs: 3D Image Deep Learning00000
CS 800Research Methods00000
CS 822Machine Learning00000
CS 824High Performance Computing and Big Data00000
CS 826Application Of Graphs In Bioinformatics00000
CS 852Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing00000
CS 864Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies: Fundamentals, Technologies...00000
CS 876Architectural Support for Cloud Computing00000
CS 891Graduate Seminar00000
CS 896Topics in Computer Science00000
CS 998Master's Graduate Credit00000
CS 120GIntro Info Lit & Rsrch Rec (C)00000
CS 129Tccv-Problem Solving & Prog I00000
CS 250Problem Solving & Prgrmng II00000
CS 300TComputers in Society00000
CS 330Object-Oriented Programming and Design00000
CS 350Introduction to Software Engineering00000
CS 367Cooperative Education00000
CS 382Introduction to JAVA00000
CS 395Tpcs: Data Analysis Bootcamp00000
CS 410Professional Workforce Development I00000
CS 417Computational Methods and Software00000
CS 422Introduction to Machine Learning00000
CS 432Web Science00000
CS 450Database Concepts00000
CS 460Computer Graphics00000
CS 463Cryptography for Cybersecurity00000
CS 465Information Assurance for Cybersecurity00000
CS 467Introduction to Reverse Software Engineering00000
CS 469Data Analytics for Cybersecurity00000
CS 471Operating Systems00000
CS 480Introduction to Artificial Intelligence00000
CS 491Honors Research I in Computer Science00000
CS 500Foundations of Computing00000
CS 517Computational Methods and Software00000
CS 531Web Server Design00000
CS 550Database Concepts00000
CS 563Cryptography for Cybersecurity00000
CS 566Principles and Practice of Cyber Defense00000
CS 569Data Analytics for Cybersecurity00000
CS 578Computational Geometry, Methods and Applications00000
CS 595Tpcs: Web Security00000
CS 610Foundations of Cybersecurity00000
CS 625Data Visualization00000
CS 669Practicum00000
CS 697Independent Study in Computer Science00000
CS 699Thesis Research00000
CS 722Machine Learning00000
CS 724High Performance Computing and Big Data00000
CS 726Application Of Graphs In Bioinformatics00000
CS 734Introduction to Information Retrieval00000
CS 752Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing00000
CS 764Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies: Fundamentals, Technologies...00000
CS 776Architectural Support for Cloud Computing00000
CS 791Graduate Seminar00000
CS 796Topics in Computer Science00000
CS 812Stochastic Modeling00000
CS 823Introduction to Bioinformatics00000
CS 825Information Visualization00000
CS 834Introduction to Information Retrieval00000
CS 862Memory Analysis and Forensics00000
CS 872Network Security: Concepts, Protocols And Programming00000
CS 879Design Of Network Protocols00000
CS 895Tpcs: 3D Image Deep Learning00000
CS 899Doctoral Dissertation00000
CS 999Doctoral Graduate Credit00000
CS 121GIntroduction to Information Literacy and Research for Scient...00000
CS 170Introduction to Computer Architecture I00000
CS 252Introduction to Unix for Programmers00000
CS 312Internet Concepts00000
CS 333Programming And Problem Solving In C++00000
CS 355Principles of Programming Languages00000
CS 368Computer Science Internship00000
CS 390Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science00000
CS 402Formal Software Foundations00000
CS 411WProf Workforce Dev II (A)00000
CS 418Web Programming00000
CS 431Web Server Design00000
CS 441App Development for Smart Devices00000
CS 455Introduction to Networks and Communications00000
CS 462Cybersecurity Fundamentals00000
CS 464Networked Systems Security00000
CS 466Principles and Practice of Cyber Defense00000
CS 468WResearch Methods in Mathematics and Sciences00000
CS 476Systems Programming00000
CS 486Introduction to Parallel Computing00000
CS 495Tpcs: Web Security00000
CS 502Formal Software Foundations00000
CS 518Web Programming00000
CS 532Web Science00000
CS 555Introduction to Networks and Communications00000
CS 564Networked Systems Security00000
CS 567Introduction to Reverse Software Engineering00000
CS 576Systems Programming00000
CS 586Introduction to Parallel Computing00000
CS 600Algorithms and Data Structures00000
CS 624Data Analytics and Big Data00000
CS 667Cooperative Education00000
CS 690Colloquium00000
CS 698Masters Project00000
CS 712Stochastic Modeling00000
CS 723Introduction to Bioinformatics00000
CS 725Information Visualization00000