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ONU Course Reviews

Ohio Northern University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 3301Print and Paper 100000
ART 4901Senior Capstone in Art 100000
ART 4301Advanced Print and Paper00000
ART 3501Sculpture: Mold Making & Casting00000
ART 3101Biological Illustration Biological Illustration00000
ART 2611Art History 200000
ART 2251Watercolor00000
ART 1651Visual Literacy00000
ART 1101Visual Foundations 100000
ART 4981Independent Study in Art00000
ART 4801Advanced Book Arts00000
ART 4401Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 4111Advanced Life Drawing00000
ART 3401Ceramics 200000
ART 1111Visual Foundations 200000
ART 2651Non-Western Art00000
ART 2501Sculpture: Additive & Subtractive00000
ART 2201Painting 100000
ART 15013-D Design00000
ART 4911Senior Capstone in Art 200000
ART 4501Advanced Sculpture00000
ART 4201Advanced Painting00000
ART 4101Advanced Illustration00000
ART 3311Print and Paper 200000
ART 2801Book Arts00000
ART 2601Art History 100000
ART 2401Ceramics 100000
ART 2111Life Drawing00000