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Oregon Tech Course Reviews

Oregon Institute of Technology

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BUS 442Leadership II00000
BUS 349Human Resource Management I00000
BUS 356Business Presentations00000
BUS 390Applied Management Internship00000
BUS 399Marketing Special Topics00000
BUS 407Senior Project00000
BUS 414Marketing Research00000
BUS 434Global Marketing00000
BUS 441Leadership I00000
BUS 345Fraud Examination00000
BUS 447Controversial Issues in Mgmt00000
BUS 456Business Research Methods00000
BUS 457Business Research Methods II00000
BUS 467Service Management00000
BUS 478Strategic Management00000
BUS 495Senior Project Proposal00000
BUS 496Senior Project00000
BUS 497Senior Project00000
BUS 313Health Care Systems & Policy00000
BUS 207Design Thinking & Catalyze00000
BUS 215Principles of Management00000
BUS 223Marketing I00000
BUS 226Business Law00000
BUS 256Graphic Design for Business00000
BUS 304Engineering Management00000
BUS 307Catalyze Klamath00000
BUS 308Principles of Int'l Business00000
BUS 101Introduction to Business00000
BUS 314Intro to Innovation & Entr.00000
BUS 316Total Quality Health Care00000
BUS 317Health Care Management00000
BUS 318Marketing II00000
BUS 319Integrated Marketing Comm.00000
BUS 331Personal Finance00000
BUS 335Innov. & Entrepreneurship II00000
BUS 337Princ of Health Care Marketing00000