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OSU Course Reviews

Ohio State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
AFAMAST 1101Introduction to African American and African Studies00000
AFAMAST 3230Black Women: Culture and Politics00000
AFAMAST 3083Civil Rights and Black Power Movements00000
AFAMAST 2327Introduction to African Politics00000
AFAMAST 2288Bebop to Doowop to Hiphop: The Rhythm and Blues Tradition00000
AFAMAST 2281Introduction to African-American Literature00000
AFAMAST 2253Introduction to Caribbean Literature00000
AFAMAST 2251Introduction to African Literature00000
AFAMAST 2201Major Readings in African American and African Studies00000
AFAMAST 2101Introduction to African Art and Archaeology00000
AFAMAST 1122African Civilizations, 1870 to the Present00000
AFAMAST 3310Global Perspectives on the African Diaspora00000
AFAMAST 5798.03Study Tour: Brazil00000
AFAMAST 5485.02West Africa: Society and Culture00000
AFAMAST 5485.01Southern Africa: Society and Culture00000
AFAMAST 5194Group Studies00000
AFAMAST 4999HHonors Thesis Research00000
AFAMAST 4921Intersections: Approaches to Race, Gender, Class, and Sexuality00000
AFAMAST 4571Black Visual Culture and Popular Media00000
AFAMAST 4557History of South Africa00000
AFAMAST 4515Ethnicity, Development and the State in Sub-Saharan Africa00000
AFAMAST 6757.02Introduction to Graduate Studies in African American Literat...00000
AFAMAST 6757.01Introduction to Graduate Studies in African American Literat...00000
AFAMAST 8193Advanced Individual Studies00000
AFAMAST 8999Dissertation Research and Writing00000
AFAMAST 8865Race, Gender, and Class in the Diaspora00000
AFAMAST 7810Topics In Black Feminist Theory00000
AFAMAST 7756Theorizing Race and Ethnicity00000
AFAMAST 7751Introduction to Graduate Studies and African Literature00000
AFAMAST 7507Black Lives Matter: Law and Culture00000
AFAMAST 7303Comparative History Of The African Diaspora And Post-Emancip...00000
AFAMAST 7086The Civil Rights and Black Power Movements00000
AFAMAST 4250African Politics00000
AFAMAST 5189SCommunity Development: Field Research and Seminar00000
AFAMAST 4999Thesis Research00000
AFAMAST 4610African Americans and the Law00000
AFAMAST 4565Topics in African Diaspora Studies00000
AFAMAST 4551Topics in Africana Literature00000
AFAMAST 4504Black Politics00000
AFAMAST 4326Topics in African Americans and Public Policy00000
AFAMAST 3956Black Cultures and Classical Education00000
AFAMAST 3370Being African in America00000
AFAMAST 3089Studies in African American History00000
AFAMAST 5193Individual Studies00000
AFAMAST 4998Senior Research Seminar00000
AFAMAST 4582Special Topics in African-American Literature00000
AFAMAST 4561Topics in Africana Psychology00000
AFAMAST 4535Topics in Black Masculinity00000
AFAMAST 4342Religion, Meaning, and Knowledge in Africa00000
AFAMAST 4193Individual Studies00000
AFAMAST 3440Theorizing Race00000
AFAMAST 3361Psychology of the Black Experience00000
AFAMAST 3304History of Islam in Africa00000
AFAMAST 5240Race and Public Policy in the United States00000
AFAMAST 2367.07SLiteracy Narratives of Black Columbus00000
AFAMAST 2367.01African-American Voices in U. S. Literature00000
AFAMAST 8998Research in African-American and African Studies: Candidacy...00000
AFAMAST 7851Seminar In Critical Approaches To Black Literatures00000
AFAMAST 7759Topics in African Diaspora Studies00000
AFAMAST 7753Graduate Survey in African-American and African Studies00000
AFAMAST 7580Enslavement, Emancipation, Colonial and Post-Colonial Realit...00000
AFAMAST 7420African Historiography and Methodology00000
AFAMAST 7087Black Women in the United States00000
AFAMAST 2285Afropop: Popular Music and Culture in Contemporary Africa00000
AFAMAST 3450The Art and Politics of Hip-Hop00000
AFAMAST 3376Arts and Cultures of Africa and the Diaspora00000
AFAMAST 3320History of African Cinema00000
AFAMAST 3260Global Black Cultural Movements00000
AFAMAST 3086Black Women in Slavery and Freedom00000
AFAMAST 3080Slavery in the United States00000
AFAMAST 2367.04Black Women Writers: Text and Context00000
AFAMAST 2367.02Debates in African American Studies00000
AFAMAST 2300Issues in the Contemporary Black World00000
AFAMAST 6999Master's Thesis Research00000
AFAMAST 2275Blackness and the Politics of Sports00000
AFAMAST 2270Introduction to Black Popular Culture00000
AFAMAST 2218Black Urban Experience00000
AFAMAST 2194Group Studies00000
AFAMAST 2081African American History from 187700000
AFAMAST 2080African American History to 187700000
AFAMAST 1121African Civilizations to 187000000
AFAMAST 5798.04Study Abroad in Africa and the Diaspora00000
AFAMAST 5650Blackness and the Body in Science and Medicine00000