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OSU Course Reviews

Ohio State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARABIC 2701Classical and Medieval Arabic Literature in Translation00000
ARABIC 3702Place, Space, and Migration in Modern Arabic Literature and Film00000
ARABIC 4108Advanced Arabic Grammar00000
ARABIC 4998Undergraduate Research in Arabic00000
ARABIC 4999HUndergraduate Honors Thesis00000
ARABIC 5401Translation: Theory and Practice00000
ARABIC 5628Classical Arabic Prose00000
ARABIC 5701The Qur'an in Translation00000
ARABIC 5797Study at a Foreign Institution00000
ARABIC 1101.02Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive00000
ARABIC 1103.01Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I00000
ARABIC 2001Arabic Pronunciation00000
ARABIC 2111Colloquial Arabic I00000
ARABIC 2193Individual Studies00000
ARABIC 3105Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic III00000
ARABIC 2798.01Morocco May Tour: The Arab World Up Close; History, Religion, Culture and Politics00000
ARABIC 3705A Thousand and One Nights: Storytelling in Arabic and World Literature00000
ARABIC 4626Introduction to the Arabic Qur'an00000
ARABIC 4999Undergraduate Thesis00000
ARABIC 5194Group Studies00000
ARABIC 5627Classical Arabic Poetry00000
ARABIC 5652Contemporary Arabic Poetry and Drama00000
ARABIC 5703Common Heritage: Biblical Figures in the Qur'an00000
ARABIC 2705The Arabian Nights00000
ARABIC 4112Colloquial Arabic II00000
ARABIC 7601Studies in Arabic Poetry00000
ARABIC 8891Seminar in Arabic Studies00000
ARABIC 4106High Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic00000
ARABIC 4111Colloquial Arabic I00000
ARABIC 6701Major Issues of Arabic Philosophy00000
ARABIC 7602Studies in Arabic Prose00000
ARABIC 7891Teaching Arabic at the College Level00000
ARABIC 1101.01Elementary Modern Standard Arabic I00000
ARABIC 1102.02Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive00000
ARABIC 1113Introductory Arabic for Heritage Learners I00000
ARABIC 2104.02Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II: Intensive00000
ARABIC 2241Contemporary Arab Cultures: Arts, Mass Media, Society00000
ARABIC 2702HModern Arabic Literature in Translation00000
ARABIC 3301Contemporary Folklore in the Arab World00000
ARABIC 3601Introduction to Arabic Philosophy00000
ARABIC 2101Arabic Grammar I00000
ARABIC 4120Arabic Media00000
ARABIC 4998HUndergraduate Honors Research in Arabic00000
ARABIC 5193Individual Studies00000
ARABIC 5611History of the Arabic Language00000
ARABIC 5651Contemporary Arabic Prose Fiction00000
ARABIC 5702Arabic Folk Narrative in Translation00000
ARABIC 1102.01Elementary Modern Standard Arabic II00000
ARABIC 1103.02Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic I: Intensive00000
ARABIC 2104.01Intermediate Modern Standard Arabic II00000
ARABIC 2112Colloquial Arabic II00000
ARABIC 2194Group Studies00000
ARABIC 2702Modern Arabic Literature in Translation00000