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OSU Course Reviews

Ohio State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SOCWORK 3503Social Work Practice with Diverse Populations13311
SOCWORK 2200SNonviolent Communication in Community Agency Settings00000
SOCWORK 5026Exploring Community Food Security Strategies00000
SOCWORK 5029SocWork Career Development00000
SOCWORK 5031SNeurodiversity: Building Cultural Competence with Developmental Disability00000
SOCWORK 5798.02Social Issues and Human Rights in Nicaragua00000
SOCWORK 5798.03An Exploration of Australia's Systems of Care00000
SOCWORK 5805Theories and Biological Basis of Substance Misuse00000
SOCWORK 5807Preventing Substance Misuse00000
SOCWORK 1130HIntroduction to Social Work in a Contemporary Society00000
SOCWORK 5023Family Violence: Social Work Perspectives and Interventions00000
SOCWORK 3201Social and Economic Justice: Strategies for Social Work00000
SOCWORK 3401HResearch & Statistics for Understanding Social Work Problems and Diverse Populations: Honors00000
SOCWORK 3502Foundations of Generalist Practice00000
SOCWORK 3600Introduction to Psychopathology and Social Work Practice00000
SOCWORK 3807Intervention and Prevention Strategies in Substance Use00000
SOCWORK 4193Individual Studies00000
SOCWORK 4502Generalist Practice with Groups00000
SOCWORK 4998HSocial Impact Project00000
SOCWORK 3301Lifespan Development in Social Work00000
SOCWORK 3402Research & Statistics for Understanding Social Work Interventions00000
SOCWORK 3402HResearch & Statistics for Understanding Social Work Interventions: Honors00000
SOCWORK 3700Social Work Practice with Digital Technologies00000
SOCWORK 4188.01Undergraduate Field Seminar00000
SOCWORK 4189Field Practicum00000
SOCWORK 4194Group Studies00000
SOCWORK 4503Generalist Practice with Larger Systems00000
SOCWORK 5024Social Work Licensure Exam Strategies and Skills00000
SOCWORK 5001Writing for Agency Practice00000
SOCWORK 5005Human Trafficking: Domestic and Global Perspectives00000
SOCWORK 5008Child Welfare II00000
SOCWORK 5011Loss & Grief: A Social Work Practice Perspective00000
SOCWORK 5013Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit00000
SOCWORK 5017Social Work Practice in the Field of Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities00000
SOCWORK 4996HHonors Research Seminar00000
SOCWORK 5030Global Social Work Perspectives on Poverty and Inequality00000
SOCWORK 5002AIDS Survey: Facts and Issues00000
SOCWORK 5006Sexualities, Diversity & Social Work00000
SOCWORK 5009Family Caregiving: Contemporary Issues, Programs, & Policies00000
SOCWORK 5014Juvenile Delinquency and Correctional Practice in Social Work00000
SOCWORK 5016Affirmative Social Work Practice with LGBTQ Individuals, Couples, and Families00000
SOCWORK 5021Summer Institute of Addiction Studies00000
SOCWORK 5025Social Determinants of Health: An Interdisciplinary Perspective00000
SOCWORK 5028Macro-Practice in Community Youth Development00000
SOCWORK 4999Thesis Research00000
SOCWORK 5194Group Studies00000
SOCWORK 5798.01India Study Abroad Program00000
SOCWORK 5798.04Social Issues and Human Rights in Guatemala00000
SOCWORK 5806Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders00000
SOCWORK 5808Group & Relationship Approaches in Substance Misuse Treatment00000
SOCWORK 5809Intervening with Individuals Regarding Substance Misuse00000
SOCWORK 5188.02Higher Education Field Practicum Seminar00000
SOCWORK 5188.01Higher Education Field Practicum Seminar00000
SOCWORK 3101Professional Values and Ethics00000
SOCWORK 4999HEngaging in Knowledge Building Research - Honors Thesis Research00000
SOCWORK 5004International Social Work00000
SOCWORK 5007Child Welfare I00000
SOCWORK 5012Social Work Approaches to Conflict Resolution00000
SOCWORK 5015Social Work and the Law00000
SOCWORK 5018Interdisciplinary Case Management for Working with Underserved Populations00000
SOCWORK 1120Introduction to Social Welfare00000
SOCWORK 2110Prevention & Youth Development through Sport, Recreation, and Play00000
SOCWORK 2201Preparation for International Service Learning00000
SOCWORK 3401Research & Statistics for Understanding Social Work Problems and Diverse Populations00000
SOCWORK 3501Engagement and Interviewing Skills00000
SOCWORK 3597Adolescent Parenthood and Sexuality: An International Perspective00000
SOCWORK 3806Substance Use Screening, Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning00000
SOCWORK 4188.02Undergraduate Field Seminar00000
SOCWORK 4501Generalist Practice with Families00000
SOCWORK 4503HGeneralist Practice with Larger Systems00000
SOCWORK 7519Advanced Practice in Motivational Interviewing00000
SOCWORK 7511Clinical Social Work with Children and Adolescents00000
SOCWORK 7512Clinical Social Work with Couples and Families00000
SOCWORK 7513Clinical Social Work with Groups00000
SOCWORK 7514Behavioral Methods in Social Work00000
SOCWORK 7515Crisis Intervention and Trauma Treatment00000
SOCWORK 7516Assessment and Diagnosis in Clinical Social Work Practice00000
SOCWORK 7517Social Work Practice in Schools00000
SOCWORK 7518Advanced Case Management00000
SOCWORK 7510Strengths-based Clinical Social Work with Individual Adults00000
SOCWORK 7520Pharmacotherapy in Social Work Mental Health and Substance A...00000
SOCWORK 7521Evidence-based Substance Abuse Treatment00000
SOCWORK 7523Clinical SW Practice with Older Adults00000
SOCWORK 7530Needs Assessment and Program Design00000
SOCWORK 7531Resource Acquisition for Human Service Organizations00000
SOCWORK 7532Supervision and Human Resource Management00000
SOCWORK 7533Financial Management00000
SOCWORK 7534Prevention Strategies in Social Work Practice00000
SOCWORK 6501Engaging and Entering the Profession00000
SOCWORK 3808Group and Relationship Approaches in Substance Use Treatment00000
SOCWORK 6188Preparing for Field Education00000
SOCWORK 6189Field Practicum00000
SOCWORK 6201Social and Economic Justice00000
SOCWORK 6202Diversity and Cultural Competence00000
SOCWORK 6301Social Work Perspectives on Development and Behavior Across...00000
SOCWORK 6302Organizational & Community Systems00000
SOCWORK 6401Engaging with Evidence00000
SOCWORK 7550Community Practice and Development00000
SOCWORK 7189Advanced Field Practicum00000
SOCWORK 7193Individual Studies00000
SOCWORK 7199Thesis Research00000
SOCWORK 7400Evidence in Social Work Practice00000
SOCWORK 7401Social Work Evaluation I00000
SOCWORK 7402Social Work Evaluation II00000
SOCWORK 7500Professional Development00000
SOCWORK 8409Statistics II for Social Work Research00000
SOCWORK 8401Methods for Social Work Research00000
SOCWORK 8402Qualitative Methods in Social Work Research00000
SOCWORK 8403Intervention Development and Research in Social Work00000
SOCWORK 8404Implementation Science in Health and Human Service Organizat...00000
SOCWORK 8405Structural Equation Modeling for the Social and Behavioral S...00000
SOCWORK 8406Mixed Methods Research in Social and Health Sciences00000
SOCWORK 8407Methods for Social Welfare Policy Research00000
SOCWORK 8408Statistics I for Social Work Research00000
SOCWORK 8202Theories of Change for Social Problem Interventions00000
SOCWORK 8501International Social Work and Social Development00000
SOCWORK 8502Social Work Education: Pedagogy, Skills, Opportunities, and...00000
SOCWORK 8503Job Search Seminar00000
SOCWORK 8998Research00000
SOCWORK 8999Research for Dissertation00000
SOCWORK 1100Introduction to Ohio State and the College of Social Work00000
SOCWORK 1130Introduction to Social Work in Contemporary Society00000
SOCWORK 1140Minority Perspectives: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender00000
SOCWORK 7640Integrative Seminar I on Community and Social Justice00000
SOCWORK 7551Strategic Planning for Organizational and Community Change00000
SOCWORK 7570Policy Analysis and Social Legislation Process00000
SOCWORK 7610Integrative Seminar I on Aging and Health00000
SOCWORK 7611Integrative Seminar II on Aging and Health00000
SOCWORK 7620Integrative Seminar I on Mental Health and Substance Abuse00000
SOCWORK 7621Integrative Seminar II on Mental Health and Substance Abuse00000
SOCWORK 7630Integrated Seminar I on Child and Youth Services00000
SOCWORK 7631Integrated Seminar II on Child and Youth Services00000
SOCWORK 3805Theories and Biological Basis of Addiction00000
SOCWORK 7641Integrative Seminar II on Community and Social Justice00000
SOCWORK 7704Community Youth Development00000
SOCWORK 7717Interdisciplinary Perspective on Developmental Disabilities00000
SOCWORK 7718Interdisciplinary Perspective on Autism Spectrum Disorders00000
SOCWORK 8101Research and Professional Development Seminar00000
SOCWORK 8193Individual Studies00000
SOCWORK 8201Knowledge Building00000