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PC Course Reviews

Providence College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDU 455Student Teach Secondary School00000
EDU 414LTeach His&Soc Stdies Field Exp00000
EDU 415LTch Mod Lang Scnd Field Exp00000
EDU 416LTch Math Scnd Field Exp00000
EDU 418LAssmt Curr Meth M/M Lab00000
EDU 449Classroom Mgmt High/Mid Schl00000
EDU 450Student Teach Secondary School00000
EDU 451Student Teach in Elem School00000
EDU 452Student Teaching Elem Special00000
EDU 412LTch Sci Scnd Field Exp00000
EDU 462Teach Math to K-12 At Rsk Stdn00000
EDU 470ST: English Language Learners00000
EDU 471ST: Education Program Prep00000
EDU 490Ind:Resrch in Teaching Science00000
EDU 495Research00000
EDU 504Supervsn Personnel Problms Ed00000
EDU 505School Law00000
EDU 303Child Spec Needs Reg Classrm00000
EDU 178Intro to Elem/Special Ed Major00000
EDU 206LPrin Scnd Edu Field Exp00000
EDU 207TCP: Prin of Secondary Educ00000
EDU 211Urban Education00000
EDU 221Intro Char Indiv w/Spec Needs00000
EDU 231Literacy I: Meth/Mat Tch Read00000
EDU 270LTeaching Science & Math Fd. Ex00000
EDU 301Foundation of Education00000
EDU 512Family & Community Engagement00000
EDU 304TCP:Child Spec Needs Reg Class00000
EDU 331LLang Arts/Soc Std Elem Lab00000
EDU 340Educational Technology00000
EDU 401Educational Measurement00000
EDU 402TCP: Educational Measurement00000
EDU 410General Methods00000
EDU 411LTch Eng Scnd Edu Field Exp00000
EDU 791Education Psychology00000
EDU 663Diversity Seminar00000
EDU 665English Applied Linguistics00000
EDU 668Language, Literacy & Culture00000
EDU 670Foundations of Amer Higher Edu00000
EDU 701Ind:SocMediaImpactColl Athltcs00000
EDU 765Models and Processes Literacy00000
EDU 770ST:BusinessProfessional Sports00000
EDU 786Exceptional Child Reg Classrm00000
EDU 636Assmnt/Curr for M/M Disab K-1200000
EDU 802Teaching Internship I00000
EDU 805Teaching Internship IV00000
EDU 810Data Analy Tech and Principal00000
EDU 815Exceptional Child Reg Classrm00000
EDU 830Best Practices Primary Grades00000
EDU 835Learning Differences00000
EDU 840Best Practice Intermed Grades00000
EDU 558Ethical/Legal Issues Counslng00000
EDU 514Prgrm Eval:Rsrch Cont Imprvmnt00000
EDU 516School & District Finance00000
EDU 527School Plant Planning00000
EDU 532Curriculum Design/Constructn00000
EDU 538Devlp/Cross Culture Theories00000
EDU 541Theories of Counseling00000
EDU 544Counseling Prob Pre-Prac Trng00000
EDU 551Counsel Alcohol/Chemical Dpnd00000
EDU 842The Literacy Coach00000
EDU 562Assmnt,Measurmnt,Data in Coun00000
EDU 573Agency&Mental; Hlth Counseling00000
EDU 606Tch Read Special Need Student00000
EDU 612Assistive Tech in Special Educ00000
EDU 615Medical Aspects of Children00000
EDU 622Reading in the Content Area00000
EDU 630Practice Teach Elem Spcl Educ00000
EDU 530Education Admin Intern I00000
EDU 416Teach Math Scnd School00000
EDU 418Assmt Methods Disabled Elem00000
EDU 432Autism Spctrm Disord:Thry/Prct00000
EDU 501Fundamentals of Research00000
EDU 508Program Evaluation00000
EDU 513Instruction Supervision00000
EDU 515Principal as Instructional Ldr00000
EDU 522Operations and Management00000
EDU 415Teach Mod Lang Scnd School00000
EDU 536Education Admin Intern II00000
EDU 540Principles of Guidance00000
EDU 542Career Information00000
EDU 546Group Counseling00000
EDU 548Counseling Practicum00000
EDU 555Projects Counsel And Guidance00000
EDU 561Counseling Internship I00000
EDU 322Home School Relations00000
EDU 201Educational Psychology00000
EDU 206Prin of Secondary Education00000
EDU 210American Sign Language00000
EDU 220American Sign Language II00000
EDU 231LLiteracy I:Meth/Mat Tch Rd Lab00000
EDU 270Teach Sci & Math in Ele School00000
EDU 285Strategies Classroom Mgmt00000
EDU 303LChild Spec Needs Classrm Fld00000
EDU 568Counseling Internship II00000
EDU 331Lang Arts/Soc Std Elem00000
EDU 390Assmt Children's Indiv Diff00000
EDU 401LEducational Measuremnt Fld Exp00000
EDU 404Reading in Content Area00000
EDU 411Teach English Scnd School00000
EDU 412Teach Sci Scnd School00000
EDU 414Teach His&Soc Studies Scnd Sch00000
EDU 792Principles Secondary Educ00000
EDU 686Higher Education Practice II00000
EDU 690Career Counseling in Higher Ed00000
EDU 700Rsrch: Arts, Equity & Ldrship00000
EDU 710Foundations Bilingual Educatn00000
EDU 740ST: Practice of Educatn Abroad00000
EDU 767Diverse Literatures K-1200000
EDU 785Educational Measurements00000
EDU 787General Methods00000
EDU 684Higher Education Practice I00000
EDU 804Teaching Intership III00000
EDU 808Methods Secondary Education00000
EDU 811Spec Ed Child Diverse Backgrnd00000
EDU 813Educational Measurement00000
EDU 829Design/Implmnt Counsl Prgrm00000
EDU 832Best Practice Mid/Scnd Grades00000
EDU 837Org & Sprvsn:Intrnshp Expernce00000
EDU 667English Lang Teaching Practice00000
EDU 599Teaching Students w/Autism00000
EDU 611Student Devlpmnt Higher Educ00000
EDU 613Vocational Programming00000
EDU 617Behavior Strategies00000
EDU 623Intro to Family Counseling00000
EDU 631Practice Teach Scnd Spcl Educ00000
EDU 645Families in Crisis00000
EDU 664Capstone: Successful Urban Ed00000
EDU 125Comm Disorders of Children00000
EDU 669English Teaching Practicum00000
EDU 672Research & Program Evaluation00000
EDU 674Counseling Theories00000
EDU 676Student Devlpmnt in Higher Ed00000
EDU 678Culturally Comp Prac Higher Ed00000
EDU 680Org. Theory & Ldshp Higher Ed00000
EDU 682Higher Education Law & Policy00000