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Penn State Course Reviews

Pennsylvania State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 140Calculus With Analytic Geometry I33451
MATH 547Algebraic Geometry I00000
MATH 141Calculus With Analytic Geometry II00000
MATH 111Techniques Of Calculus II00000
MATH 35General View Of Mathematics00000
MATH 26Plane Trigonometry00000
MATH 18Elementary Linear Algebra00000
MATH 4Intermediate Algebra00000
MATH 600Thesis Research00000
MATH 582Introduction To C* Algebra Theory00000
MATH 569Algebraic Number Theory I00000
MATH 201Problem Solving In Mathematics II00000
MATH 518Probability Theory00000
MATH 501Real Analysis00000
MATH 494HResearch Project00000
MATH 485Graph Theory00000
MATH 467Factorization And Primality Testing00000
MATH 441Matrix Algebra00000
MATH 427Foundations Of Geometry00000
MATH 421Complex Analysis00000
MATH 416Stochastic Modeling00000
MATH 451Numerical Computations00000
MATH 610Thesis Research Off Campus00000
MATH 597Special Topics00000
MATH 570Algebraic Number Theory II00000
MATH 551Numerical Solution Of Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 536Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 533Lie Theory I00000
MATH 513Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 497Special Topics00000
MATH 486Mathematical Theory Of Games00000
MATH 468Mathematical Coding Theory00000
MATH 411Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 435Basic Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 418Introduction To Probability And Stochastic Processes For Eng...00000
MATH 415Introduction To Mathematical Statistics00000
MATH 403HHonors Classical Analysis I00000
MATH 319Applied Statistics In Science00000
MATH 311MHonors Concepts Of Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 251Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 250Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 230HHonors Calculus And Vector Analysis00000
MATH 296Independent Studies00000
MATH 496Independent Studies00000
MATH 494Research Project00000
MATH 484Linear Programs And Related Problems00000
MATH 455Introduction To Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 436Linear Algebra00000
MATH 419Theoretical Mechanics00000
MATH 414Introduction To Probability Theory00000
MATH 405Advanced Calculus For Engineers And Scientists I00000
MATH 401Introduction To Analysis I00000
MATH 312Concepts Of Real Analysis00000
MATH 508Dynamical Systems II00000
MATH 251HHonors Ordinary And Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 231Calculus Of Several Variables00000
MATH 220HHonors Matrices00000
MATH 200Problem Solving In Mathematics00000
MATH 140ECalculus With Engineering Applications I00000
MATH 140HHonors Calculus With Analytic Geometry I00000
MATH 110Techniques Of Calculus I00000
MATH 36Insights Into Mathematics00000
MATH 33Mathematics For Sustainability00000
MATH 140GCalculus With Earth And Mineral Sciences Applications I00000
MATH 403Classical Analysis I00000
MATH 318Elementary Probability00000
MATH 311WConcepts Of Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 252Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 232Integral Vector Calculus00000
MATH 230Calculus And Vector Analysis00000
MATH 220Matrices00000
MATH 141HHonors Calculus With Analytic Geometry II00000
MATH 140BCalculus And Biology I00000
MATH 21College Algebra I00000
MATH 41Trigonometry And Analytic Geometry00000
MATH 34The Mathematics Of Money00000
MATH 22College Algebra II And Analytic Geometry00000
MATH 17Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 601Ph.D. Dissertation Full-Time00000
MATH 596Individual Studies00000
MATH 557Mathematical Logic00000
MATH 535Linear Algebra00000
MATH 523Numerical Analysis I00000