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Portland State Course Reviews

Portland State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTH 350LArch Method & Theory Lab00000
ANTH 416Urban Anthropology00000
ANTH 415Applied Anthropology00000
ANTH 412Ethnographic Methods00000
ANTH 410HTop: Design Anthropology00000
ANTH 399Spst: Ayurvedic Food & Health00000
ANTH 379UPracticing Forensic Science00000
ANTH 373Primate Ecology & Behavior00000
ANTH 370LPaleoanthropology Lab00000
ANTH 368UArchaeology Of Oceania00000
ANTH 365UArchaeology Of North America00000
ANTH 363UEgyptian Archaeology00000
ANTH 361UThe Archaeology of Europe00000
ANTH 418HEnvironmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 350Archaeological Method & Thry00000
ANTH 340Desgn, Pol & Soc00000
ANTH 330UAnthro Of Folklore00000
ANTH 320Native Americans Of Nw Coast00000
ANTH 318UAsian American Experience00000
ANTH 314UNative Americans00000
ANTH 313UNatve Americn-Settlr Relations00000
ANTH 311UPeoples/Cultures Latin America00000
ANTH 305Culture And Power00000
ANTH 301Culture & Ethnography00000
ANTH 103Intro Social/Cultural Anth00000
ANTH 101Intro To Biological Anth00000
ANTH 478Human Osteology00000
ANTH 590The Anthropology Of Violence00000
ANTH 572The Roots Of Human Biology00000
ANTH 561Top: Colonialism.H.Archaeology00000
ANTH 558The Archeology Of Disaster00000
ANTH 550Core Seminar In Archaeology00000
ANTH 535Visual Anthropology00000
ANTH 526Transnationalism & Migration00000
ANTH 518Environmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 515Applied Anthropology00000
ANTH 512Ethnographic Methods00000
ANTH 510Top: Primatology00000
ANTH 490The Anthropology Of Violence00000
ANTH 591Cult, Vul And Disaster Resil00000
ANTH 472The Roots Of Human Biology00000
ANTH 461Top: Colonialism.H.Archaeology00000
ANTH 460Public Archaeology00000
ANTH 457Hunter-Gatherers00000
ANTH 456HIssues Cultural Resource Mgmt00000
ANTH 455HAnalysis Of Faunal Remains00000
ANTH 453HArchaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 452Archaeological Lab Methods00000
ANTH 435HHonors Visual Anthropology00000
ANTH 432HGender Cross-Cultural Perspect00000
ANTH 426Transnationalism & Migration00000
ANTH 425Topics in Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 364UArchaeology Of Pacific Nw00000
ANTH 425HPerspectives In Medical Anth00000
ANTH 418Environmental Anthropology00000
ANTH 416HUrban Anthropology00000
ANTH 415HApplied Anthropology00000
ANTH 414Culture & Ecology00000
ANTH 412HRes Mthds Social/Cultural Anth00000
ANTH 410Top: Primatology00000
ANTH 379Practicing Forensic Science00000
ANTH 376UThe Neandertals00000
ANTH 372Human Variation00000
ANTH 370Paleoanthropology00000
ANTH 366UArchaeology Of Mesoamerica00000
ANTH 432Anth of Gender Sex & Sexuality00000
ANTH 362UAfrican Prehistory00000
ANTH 355UHst Arch & Origins Mod Pnw00000
ANTH 350UArchaeological Method & Thry00000
ANTH 345Practicing Anthropology00000
ANTH 333UAnthropology Of Food00000
ANTH 325UCulture Health & Healing00000
ANTH 319UTrad Cult Africa00000
ANTH 315UAmerican Culture00000
ANTH 312USe Asian Societies & Cultures00000
ANTH 310UChinese Culture And Society00000
ANTH 304Social Theory00000
ANTH 300UModern World Anth Perspect00000
ANTH 511Core Sem Social/Cultural Anth00000
ANTH 578Human Osteology00000
ANTH 570Core Seminar In Physical Anth00000
ANTH 560Public Archaeology00000
ANTH 557Hunter-Gatherers00000
ANTH 556Cultural Heritage Resources00000
ANTH 555Analysis Of Faunal Remains00000
ANTH 553Archaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 552Archaeological Lab Methods00000
ANTH 532Anth of Gender Sex & Sexuality00000
ANTH 525Topics in Medical Anthropology00000
ANTH 516Urban Anthropology00000
ANTH 514Culture & Ecology00000
ANTH 102Introduction to Archaeology00000
ANTH 491Cult, Vul And Disaster Resil00000
ANTH 490HThe Anthropology Of Violence00000
ANTH 478HHuman Osteology00000
ANTH 461HTop: Contact, Colonialism, Hst00000
ANTH 460HPublic Archaeology00000
ANTH 458The Archeology Of Disaster00000
ANTH 457HHunter-Gatherers00000
ANTH 456Cultural Heritage Resources00000
ANTH 455Analysis Of Faunal Remains00000
ANTH 453Archaeological Field Methods00000
ANTH 435Visual Anthropology00000