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Portland State Course Reviews

Portland State University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECE 101LLab for Ece 10153551
ECE 171Digital Circuits41451
ECE 544Embedded Design With Fpga's00000
ECE 172Digital Systems00000
ECE 549Power Systems Design00000
ECE 552Control Sys Design II00000
ECE 558Embedded Systems Programming00000
ECE 561Communtn Sys Des I00000
ECE 571Intro to Systemverilog00000
ECE 580Adv Power Systems Protection00000
ECE 583Low Power Digital Ic Design00000
ECE 586Computer Architecture00000
ECE 590Dig Des Using Hw Desc Lang00000
ECE 597Post-Si Electrical Validation00000
ECE 611Solid State Electronics I00000
ECE 633Adv Electromagnetics00000
ECE 688Advanced Computer Arch II00000
ECE 102Engineering Computation00000
ECE 103LLab For Ece 10300000
ECE 221LLab for Ece 22100000
ECE 508Wksp: Computational Tools00000
ECE 428Vlsi Computer Aided Design00000
ECE 432LLab For Ece 43200000
ECE 449Power System Design00000
ECE 452Control Sys Design II00000
ECE 462Communication Sys Des II00000
ECE 478Intellignt Robotcs I00000
ECE 481Asic: Modeling & Synthesis00000
ECE 486Computer Architecture00000
ECE 533Adv Electromagnetics00000
ECE 511Solid State Electronics I00000
ECE 520Analytical Methods 4 Pwr Sys00000
ECE 522Analog Int Circuit Design II00000
ECE 526Digital Int Circuit Design II00000
ECE 528Vlsi Computer Aided Design00000
ECE 531Microwave Circuit Design I00000
ECE 532Microwave Circuit Des II00000
ECE 578Intellignt Robotcs I00000
ECE 445Power Elec Sys De I00000
ECE 455Ai: Neural Netwrk I00000
ECE 465Digital Signal Processing00000
ECE 483Low Power Digital Ic Design00000
ECE 504Coop Ed: Internship00000
ECE 514Electronics Packaging00000
ECE 559Genetic Algorithms00000
ECE 562Communication Sys Des II00000
ECE 431LLab for Ece 43100000
ECE 581Asic: Modeling & Synthesis00000
ECE 584Found Cyber-Physical Systems00000
ECE 587Adv Computer Arch I00000
ECE 593Fund of Pre-Silicon Validation00000
ECE 595Emulation And Func Spec Verif00000
ECE 610Top: Scholarly Skills II00000
ECE 629Cad Ulsi & Emerg Technologies00000
ECE 682Formal Ver Hw/Sw Systems00000
ECE 348Power Systems II00000
ECE 420Analytical Methods 4 Pwr Sys00000
ECE 223Electric Circuit Analysis III00000
ECE 241LLab for Ece 24100000
ECE 311Feedback And Control00000
ECE 316Signals and Systems II00000
ECE 322Electronics II00000
ECE 323Electronics III00000
ECE 331LLab for Ece 33100000
ECE 211Intro To Design Processes00000
ECE 351Verilog And Fpga Design00000
ECE 372Micro Interface Embd Sys00000
ECE 373Embed Oper Sys & Devc Drv00000
ECE 411Industry Design Processes00000
ECE 413Senior Proj Dev II00000
ECE 416Ic Technologies00000
ECE 421Analog Ic Design I00000
ECE 426Digital Int Circuit Design II00000
ECE 507Sem: Ece Graduate Seminar00000
ECE 425Digital Int Circuit Design I00000
ECE 431Microwave Circuit Design I00000
ECE 432Microwave Circuit Des II00000
ECE 451Control Sys Design I00000
ECE 461Communtn Sys Des I00000
ECE 465LLab For Ece 46500000
ECE 479Intelligent Robotics II00000
ECE 485Microprocessor Sys Design00000
ECE 424Engineering Prof Practice00000
ECE 510Scholarly Skills II00000
ECE 515Fund Semicond Device00000
ECE 516Ic Technologies00000
ECE 521Analog Ic Design I00000
ECE 525Digital Int Circuit Design I00000
ECE 527High Perform Dig Sys00000
ECE 529Cad Ulsi & Emerg Technologies00000
ECE 531LLab for Ece 53100000
ECE 322LLab for Ece 32200000
ECE 102LLab for Ece 10200000
ECE 199Spst: Lab For Ece 10300000
ECE 221Electric Circuit Analysis I00000
ECE 222LLab for Ece 22200000
ECE 241Intro Electrical Engineering00000
ECE 271Digital Systems00000
ECE 315Signals and Systems I00000
ECE 321Electronics I00000
ECE 532LLab For Ece 53200000
ECE 331Engr Electromagnetics I00000
ECE 332LLab For Ece 33200000
ECE 348LLab For Ece 34800000
ECE 362Embedded Operating Systems00000
ECE 372LLab for Ece 37200000
ECE 383UNanotech: Simulation & Design00000
ECE 412Senior Proj Dev I00000
ECE 415Fund Semicond Device00000
ECE 321LLab for Ece 32100000
ECE 103Engineering Programming00000
ECE 172LLab for Ece 17200000
ECE 212Intro to Project Development00000
ECE 222Electric Circuit Analysis II00000
ECE 223LLab For Ece 22300000
ECE 271LLab For Ece 27100000
ECE 312Fourier Analysis00000
ECE 317Feedback And Control Systems00000
ECE 101Explor Electrical Engineering00000
ECE 323LLab For Ece 32300000
ECE 332Engr Electromagnetics II00000
ECE 341Intro Computer Hardware00000
ECE 361Comp System Organization00000
ECE 371Microprocessors00000
ECE 373LLab For Ece 37300000
ECE 410Top: Intelligent Robotics III00000
ECE 414Electronics Packaging00000
ECE 585Microprocessor Sys Design00000
ECE 540Soc Design With Fpga's00000
ECE 545Power Elec Sys De I00000
ECE 551Control Sys Design I00000
ECE 555Ai: Neural Netwrk I00000
ECE 560Assertion Based Verification00000
ECE 568Intro Image Process00000
ECE 579Intelligent Robotics II00000
ECE 582Formal Ver Hw/Sw Systems00000
ECE 422Analog Int Circuit Design II00000
ECE 588Advanced Computer Arch II00000
ECE 594Applied Optics00000
ECE 598Intro Quantum Mech00000
ECE 627High Perform Dig Sys00000
ECE 668Intro Image Process00000
ECE 687Adv Computer Arch I00000
ECE 690Dig Des Using Hw Desc Lang00000