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Purdue Course Reviews

Purdue University

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
TLI 11200Foundations Of Organizational Leadership34321
TLI 52500Molecular Basis Of Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals00000
TLI 31300Technology Innovation And Integration: Bar Codes To Biometrics00000
TLI 29000Independent Study In Technology Leadership And Innovation00000
TLI 25500Foundations Of Human Resource Development00000
TLI 23500Introduction To Lean And Sustainable Systems00000
TLI 16100Prototyping In Engineering/Technology Education00000
TLI 11100Gateway To Technology Leadership And Innovation00000
TLI 66200Philosophy Of Technology00000
TLI 53410Implementation And Advanced Topics Of Enterprise Six Sigma00000
TLI 31600Statistical Quality Control00000
TLI 52200Good Regulatory Practice00000
TLI 49800Undergraduate Research In Technology Leadership And Innovation00000
TLI 48595Organizational Leadership Capstone II00000
TLI 48490Supply Chain Management Technology Capstone I: Strategic Planning00000
TLI 46200Methods Of Teaching Engineering/Technology Education00000
TLI 45900Technology Focus Seminar00000
TLI 45810Internship Program00000
TLI 45580Human Resource Information Systems00000
TLI 45800Leadership For Competitive Advantage00000
TLI 62579Global, Legal And Ethical Issues In Technology Leadership00000
TLI 52700Behavioral Analytics00000
TLI 52400The Documents And Dialogues Of Drug Delivery And Registration00000
TLI 52100Drug Development00000
TLI 49000Independent Study In Technology Leadership And Innovation00000
TLI 48590Organizational Leadership Capstone I00000
TLI 48395Industrial Engineering Technology Capstone II: Facility Design00000
TLI 46100Engineering/Technology Teacher Lab Planning00000
TLI 45830Service Learning00000
TLI 43530Operations Planning And Management00000
TLI 45570Cross-Cultural Issues In Organizations00000
TLI 43630Design Of Experiments00000
TLI 41400Financial Analysis For Technology Systems00000
TLI 35600Global Technology Leadership00000
TLI 35540Staffing Organizations00000
TLI 35510Training And Development00000
TLI 34250Purchasing And Contract Management00000
TLI 33610Risk Analysis And Assessment00000
TLI 35530Strategic Planning00000
TLI 48495Supply Change Management Technology Capstone II: Strategic Analytics00000
TLI 48390Industrial Engineering Technology Capstone I: Problem Identification And Analysis00000
TLI 46000Teaching Design And Innovation II00000
TLI 45820Internship Program Seminar00000
TLI 45700Technology Policy And Law00000
TLI 44275Global Transportation And Logistics Management00000
TLI 43540Facilities Planning And Material Handling00000
TLI 36700Teaching Design And Innovation I00000
TLI 35560Legal Aspects And Issues In Organizations00000
TLI 48800Technology Leadership And Innovation Capstone00000
TLI 34350Business To Business Sales Management00000
TLI 34200Warehouse And Inventory Management00000
TLI 33520Human Factors For Technology Systems00000
TLI 31500Innovative Product Development And Testing00000
TLI 29900Special Topics In Technology Leadership & Innovation00000
TLI 26500Teaching The TE Of STEM00000
TLI 25400Leading Change In Technology Organizations00000
TLI 21400Introduction To Supply Chain Management Technology00000
TLI 26200Foundations Of Integrated STEM Education00000
TLI 15200Business Principles For Organizational Leadership00000
TLI 36100Engineering And Technology Education Instructional Planning And Evaluation00000
TLI 35550Compensation And Rewards00000
TLI 35520Organization Development00000
TLI 34300Technical And Service Selling00000
TLI 33620Total Productive Maintenance00000
TLI 33400Economic Analysis For Technology Systems00000
TLI 31400Leading Innovation In Organizations00000
TLI 43640Lean Six Sigma00000
TLI 25300Principles Of Technology Strategy00000
TLI 21300Project Management00000
TLI 62600Life Of A Faculty Entrepreneur: Discovery, Delivery, Translation00000
TLI 62500Research In Open Innovation I00000
TLI 52600Digital Innovation And Transformation00000
TLI 52300Quality Management, Audits And Inspections00000
TLI 52000Foundations Of Innovation Studies00000
TLI 49900Special Topics In Technology Leadership & Innovation00000