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QCC Course Reviews

Queensborough Community College (CUNY)

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BU 402Marketing Research00000
BU 918Medical Coding and Billing II00000
BU 916Medical Coding and Billing I00000
BU 906Advanced Microsoft Office00000
BU 860Professional Business Career Development and the Virtual Off...00000
BU 850Fundamentals of Microsoft Windows00000
BU 812Transcription and Dictation of Business Documents00000
BU 804Administrative Office Procedures00000
BU 802Typewriting/Keyboarding II00000
BU 801Typewriting/Keyboarding00000
BU 701Principles of Finance00000
BU 600Business Internships00000
BU 405Elements of Retailing00000
BU 404Integrated Marketing Communications00000
BU 403Elements of Salesmanship00000
BU 102Principles of Accounting II00000
BU 301Business Law I00000
BU 111Computer Applications in Accounting00000
BU 108Income Taxation00000
BU 103Intermediate Accounting I00000
BU 101Principles of Accounting I00000
BU 917Healthcare Information Management00000
BU 907Word Processing00000
BU 903Medical Office Procedures00000
BU 859Corresponding in the Digital World00000
BU 401Elements of Marketing00000
BU 203Principles of Statistics00000
BU 201Business Organization and Management00000
BU 110Cost Accounting00000
BU 104Intermediate Accounting II00000