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Ramapo Course Reviews

Ramapo College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 230Revolution & Light: The Roots Of Haitian Art00000
ARTS 328Portrait Photography00000
ARTS 331Art as Therapy00000
ARTS 335Business Of Visual Arts00000
ARTS 408Senior Thesis Exhibition00000
ARTS 101Fundamentals of Drawing00000
ARTS 202Basic Sculpture00000
ARTS 2093-D Animation00000
ARTS 214Basic Ceramics00000
ARTS 323Physical Computing00000
ARTS 303Intermediate Painting00000
ARTS 320Video Art00000
ARTS 324Documentary Photography00000
ARTS 330The Artist's Book00000
ARTS 333Digital Fabrication00000
ARTS 390Topics: Experimental Animation00000
ARTS 402Advanced Sculpture00000
ARTS 407Advanced Drawing & Painting00000
ARTS 400Is-Media For Art Teachers00000
ARTS 207Digital Photography00000
ARTS 211Basic Art & Technology00000
ARTS 219Art And Interaction00000
ARTS 302Intermediate Drawing00000
ARTS 307Intermediate Sculpture00000
ARTS 315Medium And Large Format Photography00000
ARTS 325Intermediate 3D Animation00000
ARTS 327Installation Art00000
ARTS 201Basic Painting00000
ARTS 406Advanced Photography00000
ARTS 420Identity And Culture00000
ARTS 206Black and White Photography00000
ARTS 210Life Drawing00000
ARTS 217Local To Global: World Animation Now00000
ARTS 290Topics:2D Animation00000
ARTS 305Digital Drawing & Painting00000
ARTS 308Bronze Casting And Welding00000