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Ramapo Course Reviews

Ramapo College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIOL 214Anatomy And Physiology I Lecture00000
BIOL 331Genetics: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 335Genomics00000
BIOL 346Food Science00000
BIOL 349Histology: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 357Immunology00000
BIOL 390LTpcs:Yeast Gntcs/Genomics Lab00000
BIOL 406Cell And Molecular Biology: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 407LCell & Molecular Biology Lab00000
BIOL 411Biology Teaching Assistant00000
BIOL 101Introduction to Biology00000
BIOL 111LFundamentals of Biology I Lab00000
BIOL 113LFundamentals of Biology II Lab00000
BIOL 212Microbiology for Health Science Lecture00000
BIOL 324Plant Physiology00000
BIOL 216LAnatomy & Physiology II Lab00000
BIOL 247Medicinal Plants00000
BIOL 310Microbiology: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 315Field Biology and Ecology00000
BIOL 328Paleontology, Paleoecology & Paleoenvironments Lecture00000
BIOL 332Genetics Lecture00000
BIOL 343Neuroscience00000
BIOL 347Medicinal Plants00000
BIOL 356Evolution00000
BIOL 388Co-Op/Internship Biology00000
BIOL 400Is-Happy Hypoxia Covid-1900000
BIOL 410Experimental Animal Physiology Lecture00000
BIOL 365Experimental Animal Physiology Lec/Lab00000
BIOL 112Fundamentals Of Biology II00000
BIOL 204Epidemiology00000
BIOL 212LMicrobiology for Health Science Laboratory00000
BIOL 214LAnatomy & Physiology I Lab00000
BIOL 216Anatomy & Physiology II Lectur00000
BIOL 290Topics: Epidemiology00000
BIOL 311Microbiology Lecture00000
BIOL 320Field Botany: Angiosperms00000
BIOL 328LPaleontology, Paleoecology & Paleoenvironments Lab00000
BIOL 332LGenetics Lab00000
BIOL 345Nutrition and Human Metabolism00000
BIOL 354Research Design & Statistics00000
BIOL 110Fundamentals Of Biology I: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 390Topics:Microbial Biotechnology00000
BIOL 407Cell & Molecular Biology Lec00000
BIOL 410LExperimental Animal Physiology Lab00000
BIOL 415Current Advmts Biological Sci00000
BIOL 111Fundamentals of Biology I Lecture00000
BIOL 113Fundamentals of Biology II Lec00000
BIOL 211Microbiology: Health Sciences00000
BIOL 213Anatomy And Physiology I: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 215Anatomy And Physiology II: Lecture And Lab00000
BIOL 221General Ecology00000
BIOL 300Virulence Of P.Aeruginosa00000
BIOL 311LMicrobiology Laboratory00000