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RCGC Course Reviews

Rowan College Gloucester County

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
EDU 105Educational Technology00000
EDU 203Teaching:An Intro to the Prof00000
EDU 215Principles and Pedagogies in the Inclusive Classroom00000
EDU 220Foundations of Inclusive Education Foundations of Inclusive...00000
EDU 305Current Policy & Practice in ESL and Bilingual Education00000
EDU 315Working with Families and Communities00000
EDU 330Trauma Informed Practices to Promote Social Emotional Develo...00000
EDU 130Human Exceptionality00000
EDU 205History of American Education00000
EDU 216Seminar: Principles and Pedagogies in the Inclusive Classroo...00000
EDU 301Literacy Pedagogy I00000
EDU 310Differentiating Instruction in the Inclusive Classroom00000
EDU 320Clinical Experience I in Inclusive Education00000