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Rhodes Course Reviews

Rhodes College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 226Northern Renaissance Art00000
ART 102Intro to Digital Art00000
ART 107Sculpture00000
ART 113Digital Art: Still Images00000
ART 115Creative Publishing00000
ART 120Chemistry and Art00000
ART 152Survey/Contemporary Art00000
ART 166Topic:Self-Portraiture00000
ART 202Intermediate Digital Art00000
ART 207Intermediate Sculpture00000
ART 212Performance Art00000
ART 2163D Animation/Virtual Realities00000
ART 219Roman Art and Architecture00000
ART 221Art/Spirituality/Middle Ages00000
ART DIExperimental Topics00000
ART 234American Art00000
ART 242Modern Art II00000
ART 260Curation in Context00000
ART 266Topic:Self-Portraiture00000
ART 301Advanced Drawing00000
ART 305Advanced Painting00000
ART 313Digital Art: Advanced Projects00000
ART 353Art And Life In Pompeii00000
ART 386Exp in Media/Methods00000
ART 460Art/Architecture Internship00000
ART 485Senior Seminar00000
ART 833W Europe:Art, Museums&Monumnts00000
ART 840Post Wwii Visual Culture00000
ART 228Baroque Paintng Caravaggio/Rem00000
ART 105Painting00000
ART 110Film/Exp Video Production00000
ART 114Digital Art:Motion Images00000
ART 116Animation00000
ART 151Survey of Western Art00000
ART 165Topic:Chemistry And Art00000
ART 201Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 205Intermediate Painting00000
ART 209Art Of Near East & Egypt00000
ART 213Intermediate Digital Art00000
ART 218Greek Art And Architecture00000
ART 220Classical Archaeology00000
ART 223Italian Renaissance Art00000
ART 101Drawing00000
ART 241Modern Art00000
ART 245Guernica & Antiwar Art00000
ART 265Topic:Peoples' Hist/Art/Amer00000
ART 299Mem College Of Art Course00000
ART 302Advanced Digital Art00000
ART 307Studio Art: Sculpture00000
ART 330Feminist Art00000
ART 366Topic:Creative Coding/Vr00000
ART 405Adv Studio Art: Painting00000
ART 461Museum / Gallery Internship00000
ART 486Senior Thesis00000
ART 836Ancient & Byzntn Art & Architc00000
ART 843W Europe:Mid Ages-Renaissance00000