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Rio Hondo Course Reviews

Rio Hondo College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 112Visual Art in the Modern Era00000
ART 143Ceramic Handbuilding II00000
ART 151Intermediate Printmaking00000
ART 231Intermediate Life Drawing00000
ART 234Watercolor Painting00000
ART 242Advanced Ceramics00000
ART 299GDirected Study in Gallery and Museum Practices00000
ART 104Art of the Ancient Americas00000
ART 106Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary00000
ART 108The Art of Mexico00000
ART 140Ceramics I00000
ART 120Two Dimensional Design00000
ART 130Freehand Drawing I00000
ART 136Intermediate Painting00000
ART 142Introduction to Ceramic Handbuilding00000
ART 150Beginning Printmaking00000
ART 230Beginning Life Drawing00000
ART 233Freehand Drawing III00000
ART 236Advanced Painting II00000
ART 299CDirected Study in Ceramics00000
ART 232Advanced Life Drawing00000
ART 105Survey of Western Art: Prehistory through the Middle Ages00000
ART 107The Art of Asia00000
ART 110Understanding Visual Art00000
ART 115The Art of Film00000
ART 124Color Theory00000
ART 135Beginning Painting00000
ART 141Ceramics II00000
ART 146Introduction to Sculpture00000
ART 170Introduction to Digital Painting00000
ART 101Introduction to Studio Arts00000
ART 235Advanced Painting I00000
ART 260Figure Drawing for Animators00000
ART 105HSurvey of Western Art: Prehistory through the Middle Ages Ho...00000
ART 106HSurvey of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary Honors00000
ART 109Art of the Americas: Colonial to the Present00000
ART 113The History of Photography00000
ART 121Three Dimensional Design00000
ART 131Freehand Drawing II00000