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Rio Hondo Course Reviews

Rio Hondo College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DANC 172Dance Repertory00000
DANC 254Jazz Dance II00000
DANC 199Dance Appreciation00000
DANC 179Dance History00000
DANC 162Dance Production00000
DANC 157Hip-Hop Dance00000
DANC 152Dance Rehearsal and Performance00000
DANC 253Ballet II00000
DANC 182Dance Ensemble00000
DANC 114Conditioning and Alignment for the Dancer00000
DANC 159Choreography I00000
DANC 154Jazz Dance I00000
DANC 151Modern Dance I00000
DANC 251Modern Dance II00000
DANC 180Performance00000
DANC 167Latin Dance for Fitness00000
DANC 153Ballet I00000