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Rollins Course Reviews

Rollins College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANT 235Florida Before Columbus00000
ANT 305YTopic:Activism & Soc Change_CE00000
ANT 312Ethnographic Methods_CE00000
ANT 351Language, Culture & Society00000
ANT 395Topic: Ethnography of US South00000
ANT 399RSCH: Archaeology Research00000
ANT 498HDHonRsch: Thesis Research00000
ANT 198IS Rsch: Archaeology Lab Work00000
ANT 205Tp:Mystery of Health & Healing00000
ANT 225North American Archaeology00000
ANT 301Nutrition and Health00000
ANT 300Dev of Anth Thought00000
ANT 305ZTopic: Public Archaeology_CE00000
ANT 308Drugs, Sex, and HIV00000
ANT 323Foundations in Archaeology00000
ANT 361Anthropology & Environment00000
ANT 398IS Rsch: Arch Lab Management00000
ANT 410Seminar: Theory in Practice00000
ANT 499RSCH: HIV Criminalization00000
ANT 397Internship in Anthropology00000
ANT 210Human Evolution00000
ANT 215Human Ecology00000
ANT 228Intro to World Archaeology00000
ANT 295Topic: Lang, Gender & Politics00000
ANT 302The Maya_CE00000
ANT 306Medicine and Culture00000
ANT 321Public Archaeology_CE00000
ANT 355Middle East: Film and Culture00000
ANT 202Latin Amer and Carib Society00000
ANT 405Sem:Socially-Engaged Design_CE00000
ANT 498IS SrRsch: HIV Criminalization00000
ANT 498HMHonRsch: Senior ANT Thesis00000
ANT 150Cultures of the World00000
ANT 200Cultural Anthropology00000
ANT 205UTop:Curating Arch Collections00000
ANT 227Curating Arch. Collections00000
ANT 255Middle East Culture00000