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Rollins Course Reviews

Rollins College

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARH 397Art History Internship00000
ARH 225Northern Renaissance Art00000
ARH 23520th Century Art00000
ARH 262Theme: Art & Science00000
ARH 295Art in Orlando00000
ARH 315Topic: The Early Mediterranean00000
ARH 321Topics: Roman Palaces00000
ARH 332Topic: Europe, Art, & Empire00000
ARH 337Impressionism00000
ARH 340Tpc:GlobalTrade AfricanTextile00000
ARH 360Women & Art00000
ARH 368Picturing War00000
ARH 219Medieval Art00000
ARH 404Museum Practicum00000
ARH 498HMHonRsch: VanGoghInNature00000
ARH 120Intro Renaissance-Modern Art00000
ARH 195Fashion through Film00000
ARH 213Arch of Egypt & Near East00000
ARH 218Art/Arch: Egypt & Near East00000
ARH 223Italian Renaissance Art00000
ARH 232Photography and War00000
ARH 243Fashion in Africa00000
ARH 286Special Studies: Whose Culture00000
ARH 327Rome: Caravaggio & Bernini00000
ARH 145Introduction to African Art00000
ARH 212Special Studies: Anc & Med Art00000
ARH 217Arch of the Roman Empire00000
ARH 221Gender & Sex, Renaissance Art00000
ARH 227European Baroque Art00000
ARH 233European Art00000
ARH 236Whose Culture Is It?00000
ARH 283IArt in Orlando00000
ARH 312Archeology of Ancient Slavery00000
ARH 315BSpec Studies: Etruscan Archae00000
ARH 110Intro Ancient-Medieval Art00000
ARH 339History of Photography00000
ARH 341African Art and Colonialism00000
ARH 367Artists on Film00000
ARH 402Methodologies of Art History00000
ARH 498HDHonRsch: 1920s Fashion00000
ARH 499HMHonRsch: VanGoghInNature00000
ARH 105ATopic: Women, Art, & Power00000
ARH 140Introduction to Global Art00000
ARH 197Cornell Fine Arts Docent00000
ARH 215Archaeology of the Greek World00000